Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

Happy May To You!
Oh how I love May
Spring should have arrived,
The flowers are in bloom and the trees
are providing a canopy of green
When I was a young girl, I remember how much I loved
There was always lots of activities in May
My friends and I could stay outside and play lots of games.
One of the memories I have is
The May Day Activity of
Braiding the Maypole!
Does anyone remember the Maypole?

 When I was a child it was a big event
Dancing around the Maypole
We children were dressed in bright spring colors. .
As we braided the Maypole.
 At my elementary school you had to be in the Third Grade
In order to braid the Maypole. . .
I could hardly wait to become a third grader
 We probably looked a lot like this. .  in our bright colored skirts
Happy and excited to do a good job dancing the Maypole dance.
Very carefully making sure we didn't miss a beat, so there
was not a mistake in the braid.
I remember concentrating so hard on "over and under, over and under"
Again and again until the Maypole was braided with the
 bright colored streamers
Why I don't think my grandchildren even know about
the Maypole. .
And my children never danced around the Maypole.
How about you. . .
 Did you dance around the Maypole
On May 1?


  1. How lovely!! No, I did not dance around a maypole today, but I have fond memories from my childhood.

  2. Oh, a dance in May. How cute photo's! Thanks for sharing!
    Best wishes,

  3. Ohhh we did these in Poland as well! Lovely tradition, although Ive never done it personally. Too bad, that would have been a great thing to do!


  4. this looks beautiful, i wish i danced too! What a lovely tradition.

    I love your blog, it is so colourful.

    feel free to visit mine if you have the chance.


  5. Thanks for visiting Porch Days. I can't read your blog over the polka dots. Can't read a word!

  6. The polka dots just cleared away and now the background is white. Maybe you should check that out. Nancy

  7. Beautiful post!
    I love the pictures! My girl would love something like that!

  8. I was deprived too! No dancing around the May pole for me.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. I remember the Maypole and I danced the maypole. It was so much fun. It had such beauty and so much innocence. To bad we have lost some of that. Hugs, Ginger


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