Monday, July 27, 2015

Love Plates ~ Love Blue

Well, Hello!
Another beautiful summer day.
Amazing that July is almost over.
Where, oh where, does the time go?
Today I want to show you somethings that were given to me.
Yes, given to me. . .cost me nothing!
A lady here in town had these for sale on a 
little vintage web page.
I commented that I would like them, 
but I didn't have the money
to buy them at this time.  
(Retired means I am on a strict budget.)
A few days later the sweet lady contacted me and said 
She would like to give them to me.
She wanted them to go to a good home.
Oh, my heart fluttered!
How did she know I had a love affair with PLATES?
And BLUE is my favorite color!
Not only plates, but just look at the adorable 
Sugar Bowl, and Creamer.
And. . . .I love tea pots! Look at the cuteness!
Oh My, I have wanted one of these little cute cows.
I believe it is a creamer. . I see them in other blogs,
And I have wanted one for a long time.
Now just look at the cuteness of this platter.  
It tells a story. . .well that is what I think.
On the back it says it is hand painted from Portuguese.
I am so thrilled with these new treasures. And to think 
the lady was so sweet to give them to me. . .Ah!

I will use them for displays, in my little "Aunt Carol Hutch."
Blue makes me happy!
The only problem is now I have to get rid of some plates.
I have so many, that my new rule is, when new ones come in
I have to get rid old ones that I no long use.
It is a hard thing for a collector to do.
But hey, I will pay it forward and give someone
The plates I no longer use.
Hope you day is beautiful.
And that you have blue skies and sunshine.

Every house where love abides

And friendship is a guest,

Is surely home, and home sweet home

For there the heart can rest.
~Henry Van Dyke

Linking with:

Friday, July 24, 2015

My Heritage ~ Mormon Pioneers

I pause today and give thanks for the 
Heritage I have.
I descend from Mormon Pioneers.
168 years ago today
Brigham Young
spoke these prophetic words
From that time in history, thousands upon thousands
crossed oceans, rivers, deserts, towering mountain peaks
to forge a new life in the great western desert valley's.
Deseret would one day become Utah!
The wagons and handcarts have long been put to rest.
But the souls they carried over the rugged  trail
Will never be forgotten.
The wagon wheels may now be at rest, but
 their imprint still remains today on the dirt trail of
the high plains of Wyoming and Utah.
More importantly the people they carried and the stories
they tell are serried on my heart forever.
They built roads, and cities, schools and churches.

And Temples to the Most High God.

They brought water to a parched desert land.
And planted gardens and orchards, and provided 
for their own.  All the while building and trail blazing
the American Frontier.
Within the walls of their humble homes, 
young boys and girls were taught the values of life.
Man's destiny, and the power of an 
Almighty God.
And while they toiled and worked,  miracles occurred,
The desert land blossomed just like a rose.
But in my mind, I tend to believe, the rose was much more
than the beautiful bloom of the flower.
The blossom of the desert was the families they produced.
Nothing can be more beautiful than families
that are bound by love, joy, toil and tears.
Sealed with Heavenly Father's promise.

"Many times I have looked back to see 
who was pushing my cart,
but my eyes saw no one.  
I knew then that the angels of God were there"
(Quote from a pioneer journal of Francis Webster)

Linking with:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cleaning Grandma's Yard

Oh, thank goodness for 
My poor little tiny yard. . 
It has been looking very bad.
It was looking good this spring,
And then the heat hit hard
I do not do well in anything over 80 degrees.
So when it is over 100, I stay in the house
where it is air-conditioned.
And then to add to my sad little yard,
I have very poor soil.
I need to bring some good soil in to help
the little plants and shrubs.
My flowers just don't grow like I want them too.
The drought has really taken a toll on the flowers.
The Hosta's have done fairly well.
But something is eating the leafs.
Oh, dear!
And as you can see the flowers I planted in the
pots did not do well.  It was too hot!
My little backyard gets quite a bit of sun.
The only things that have grown are so 
Sun Flowers that I planted.
I just threw the seeds here and there
and low and behold they are growing.
Oh, how I hope I have big Sun Flowers.

Well, today was 
"Help Grandma Day".
Four of the Grand kids came to Grandma's rescue.
They were a delight to have.
So willing to help me, and so much fun.
And let me tell you they worked hard.
My tiny backyard looks much better, and I feel better.
(I didn't show all the weeds)
Suffice it to say the roots on the weeds, went to China!
And as you can see the little Terrorists, Teddy and Cash
got in on some of the fun.
They love the Grands!
Now it is up to me to keep the weeds away.
So much work still needs to be done.
I have arranged and re-arranged my little back yard,
Almost as much as I do my inside.
Some day I will have it the way I want it.
Hope you are loving your little or big yards.
"She who loves a garden loves the wonders of creation
and appreciates the joy  that flowers bring."
(From Mary Englebreit's book, She Who Loves A Garden.)

Cozy Little House- Tweak It Tuesday

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Home With Character

It seems there are just some homes that are full of
Character. . . My Aunt Colleen has such a Home.
Her yard is so interesting. . I am always wanting starts from her flowers.
He has made many of the pots she has sitting around.
Summer days on her patio are so relaxing.
She finds the most unusual things to place in the right spot in her yard.
Now remember my Auntie is 85 years old.
She has slowed down in the past year.
She definitely has a green thumb.
Not only is her yard interesting but the inside is even more interesting.
She has all the family heirlooms.
And she is an artist.
The top two pictures she painted a few years ago.
The bottom left picture is an old family heirloom
It is a tea pot, sugar and creamer.
It once belonged to my Great-Great Grandmother.
From the walk ways to the inside of her home.
It is full of Character and Charm.
The best thing is ALL are welcome.
She makes you feel so at home.
I dread that she is growing older. She is such a precious soul
I want to spend all the time I can with her, so I will never forget
Her personality, her style, her charm.

To everything there is a season.

Linking with:
Brenda at Cozy Little House

Monday, July 13, 2015

Family Reunion~~Huge Success!

I would say over 150 people at a 
Family Reunion
is a Huge Success. . !
Me and My Brother and our First Cousins.
I have 36 first cousins. 31 are still living. 16 are in this picture.
I am so proud to have so many beautiful loving first cousins.
I can honestly say we love and cherish each other.
There is never discord, nor unkind words.
Just love, understanding and compassion for each other.
I am truly blessed!
Aunts, nieces, cousins. . .and more cousins. 
Did I say there were cousins, and more cousins.
A lot of visiting and catching up.
There were first cousins once removed, and second cousins.
And cousins and their families. . .Oh My!
Connecting and Re-connecting with family was amazing.
A lot of family stories were being told and re-told.
It was an incredible time being together.
So many memories were shared and new ones made.
Hearts were filled with the healing balm of family love.

I have a family here on earth
They are so good to me.
I want to spend my life with them
Through all eternity.
Families can be together forever
Through Heavenly Father's plan
I always want to be with my
Own family. . .and the Lord
Has shown me how I can.
Families can be together Forever!
(Children's LDS Hymn)