Monday, November 25, 2013

Photos By KLJ

Oh dear I have been neglectful. . 
Sorry about that.
I have been over my head in projects
And with my health not as good as usual
It has been hard to keep up with things. . 
I hope you will forgive me.
Here is a little peek of what I have been doing
My children. . .photo shoot for Christmas.
Nothing professional, just plain home-made.
Or should I say. . .Momma Made.
I did it for pure pleasure.. .so fun to take pictures of your own
It was a fun Saturday tromping through the snow and the fields 
And hills of our little part of the world.
Beauty right in our own back yard. . no back drops necessary.
I do this just for fun. . .for my family
Making memories through the lens of my camera.
Hope you enjoy. . Please come back again.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November Changes

Well hello my friends,
So glad you stopped by.
Really, I am glad you stopped to see me.
I have made a few changes in my living room
My living room is not a fancy room.
It is the "Living" room.
This is where I spend a lot a time. . .
Oh, I have a lovely family room.
I will show you one of these days.
But, I like to be where the action is. . 
I live to look out my big front window. . and I live to
Be close to all my rooms. . .
So. . .my television is in my living room.
And good heavens I won't show you my chair.
I think I have turned into Archie Bunker or Frazier's father.
I love my chair.
Anyhow.. . .My television is in the "make believe" cabinet.
It had cute doors on it . . . But
When the doors were open you couldn't see the little tables on both sides.
So, I decided to change things, and I took the doors off
Now my television is bare. . .
I rather like it this way.  The open doors don't get in the way
Oh, one of these days I will have a "nice" t.v. cabinet.
But for now this cheap DI $8.00 painted one will have to do.
I did make a few changes. . .not much
I stayed with my fall decorations, and added my 
Thanksgiving things.
I am still a sucker for holiday decorations. . 
I live a lone, and the grand kids are growing up
But, I still have to bring out the holiday decorations I have had for years.
Maybe it is because they hold so many memories for me.
Of times long past when my children were young. . 
And delighted so much in decorating the house.
Or is it still the child in me?
No matter what the reason is. . I hope I am able to continue to
Decorate my home, the way I want it done.
I am by far NOT a home interior designer. . 
My goodness my humble home would never be recognized by anyone
But myself. . .so be it. . it is HOME to me.
After seeing the devastation of the storm in the Philippine's 
I am so thankful to have a cozy, warm, lovely home.
I hope you will stop by again.  I enjoy the company. . 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Little Babies

Oh, I must, I must
Introduce you to my new little fur babies.
Ted and Cash
I have been so lonely since I lost my little Zoey.
Oh, yes I have my children, but they have their own homes
I have just felt such a loss, and an empitness 
I needed energy, life motion in my home.
I didn't think I could ever have another little Furry Baby
But these two little fellows came into my life
And I am happy and my heart is filled with love again.
No more lonely nights, no more empty house
They are young and full of life and they love me.
I am thrilled to have my new little Fur Babies.
I am sure you will see more of them.

Monday, November 4, 2013


For this month of 
Each day I have been sharing the things
That I consider a great blessing to me.
I want to have a heart full of 
Gratitude. . Not just this month but always.
A heart that is full of gratitude can do so much good for us
I want to have ears to hear and eyes to see the great
Blessings that come to me each day.
And I want to express that gratitude to the Lord.
I want a heart full of Gratitude.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I love you November.
You are the month that begins all the festivities. . 
You are a Thankful month.
November, you are a time when we can slow down
Look at the beautiful world and life the Good Lord has given us.
November you are a time when we turn our
Hearts to our Families, Our Homes, and Our Friends
The Harvest has been abundant. .  and all is safely brought in
Oh, how I love you sweet November!
I will be back with some November changes in 
My Home.
Be sure to enjoy the delights and blessing of
