Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Little Yard

Hey there. . .Thought I would show you
The progress on my tiny postage stamp size yard
Really it is small,  but oh my it has been a lot of work.
I have "THE SHED" as the focal point in the yard.
Therefore I wanted it to be a bright happy color.
The flower beds are just starting. . . .small plants will hopefully grow!
I like garden art. . I found this cute Route 66 at Hobby Lobby 70% off!
Several chairs are in the garden area. . .I think they add such pretty color
And they too are garden art. . .I like it.
I just started the yard a few weeks ago.
My son has helped me. . but there is so much that still needs to be done.
I wish I had the energy I had 20 and 30 years ago. . !!!
I just don't have the energy nor the strength to do heavy yard work.
There is still a lot to do.
I will show you as I progress along.
Hope I have it done before winter. . . !

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Crochet July Wreath

I like to decorate for holidays
And one of my favorites is
July 4th
I really like celebrating this blessed holiday
So of course I have to have some
Red, White and Blue in my home.
I just finished this cute little wreath.
I found the pattern Here 
She also has a cute bunting pattern I am going to make.
So now I am all excited to get the rest of my
July 4th decorations out. . 
Summer is such a fun time, and a celebration of Freedom
Is the very best. . 

I am linking with:
Hookin On Hump Day

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Little Bit of This and That. . . Summer!

Just a quick little check in. . 
I am still so swamped with projects.
Summer hit with a bang!
Putting in a small little back yard is hard work. . 
And then there is all the other "stuff" that goes with
Summer. . . But I love it!
Here is a little view of some of what I have been up to.
Of course Crochet, Crochet, Crochet.
 Some Summer Flowers. . 
 A little bit of this and that. . .
And best of all Lunch with Ole' Friends. . .
Hmmmm. . . .Lunch with friends is always best.
I will be back soon. . .

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Busy, Busy

Hello, Hello my dear friends.
I am a little missing in action right now.
Busy, Busy Busy!
I promise I will be back soon.
Just have so much on the "to do list"
And I must get that list done. . .
Don't give up on me. . .
I will be back!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Auntie's Garden

Oh, don't you just love a garden?
I do. . I love Garden's
This is my Great-Aunt Colleen's Garden
It is truly an artistic masterpiece.
The work of a natural garden artist
In the mist of a bustling city. . is 
My Aunts Garden.
The form, the texture, the color 
All combined make this a tranquil place for everyone
My Aunt comes by this artistic talent quite naturally,
We who come from this family enjoy the pleasure of
The out of doors, and the contribution we can make to
Surround ourselves with loveliness.
I have spent many hours in the peacefulness of my Aunt's Garden
Enjoying her company and the beauty that surrounds present.
She and I hold true to the responsibility we all have
As Stewards of this beautiful heavenly object we call Earth.
We love to tend and beautiful our little spot.
Oh how I love a Garden!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Value of Family Heirlooms

I have shared with you my cousin Joan's beautiful home.
Well, today I would like to share some of the
Things that makes her home so pretty.
She has some treasured family heirlooms.
Some that come from our same family.
This little child's high chair
Belonged to Joan's mother, (my Aunt Madeline)
It is over 100 years old! 
Amazing how it has lasted for so long.
It has the same paint, and beautiful aged look
It shows that it was used and loved!
This is Joan's Great-Grandma Elmer's chair
When she was a child. . .it is way over 100 years old
And in such good condition.  Beautiful patina.
Joan found this cupboard in her Grandma's cellar
It was old, and had many, many layers of paint
Joan removed all the layers of paint and found this
Beautiful oak wood. . The doors don't have glass
She put chicken wire in them. . 
It is a gorgeous piece and filled with memories.
This beautiful bed belonged to my
Great-Grandma and Grandpa Pickering.
Oh, how I remember this bed in my Great-Grandparents home.
I am so glad Joan has it. . .(wish it was mine!)
The crochet bedspread was made by Joan's
Grandma on her mother's side. . .It is stunning!
This beautiful shelf belonged to my Great-Grandma Pickering.
I remember it in her home. . .the exact corner it was in.
Another treasured family heirloom. . 
One of the amazing things about family heirlooms. . is you can find them
In all kinds of places.
Joan found this little treasure in her Dad's chicken coop.
It is an old boiler tub. . .they used it to boil water in
To do their laundry. . . Now isn't that something.
Today it is a beautiful planter filled with gorgeous blooms.
My cousin is so lucky to have some of the family treasures.
And I know Joan will treasure them dearly. And when it is
Time to pass them to the next generation her daughters will
Also treasure the 
Family Heirlooms.

Do you have treasures that belonged to your ancestors?