Thursday, May 19, 2011

Busy, Busy Painting!

All you Sweet Friends out in Bloggerville. .
Just want you to know I am still alive and kickin
I am up to my eye-balls in Paint!

But the funny thing is I am having a good time.
Don't ya just love to be busy creating?
Here is a sneak peak!
 I have been wanting to change things for a long time
And the time was right. . . .NOW
Since I can't get outside to work on the patio
Because the weather here looks like this. . .
I decided to work inside and get a major work project done.
The rain and cloudy days are depressing for me.
So, I have to stay busy, busy. . .
I just hate it when I do a project like painting. .
The whole house suffers. . .
My little home looks like a mad-woman lives here!
Or maybe one does live here. . .oh, no that would be me!
Well, I am off to Home Depot for more paint.
I hope to have this done. . . by the week-end.
Oh, I do have a post I want to do, maybe tonight!
Hope you are having a sunny happy day.
Come back. . . . .K

1 comment:

  1. Hello Karie,
    I love rainy days for what they do for my garden - they do cause us to find occupation indoors - you've found some very interesting things to do! Looking forward to seeing your results!
    Thanks for stopping by and wishing me well - coming along - actually went out today with daughter - came home quite tired - little by little!


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.