If you have followed my blog in the last
few days, you know that I
found some "rocks" at the thrift store
And I bought them. . . .
I have gotten a lot of flack about my
Rock purchase. . (mainly my kids).
But, just stop and think about it. .
What is in a Rock?
Well, a number of precious gems come into mind
Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, Rubies. .
Just to name a few. . .And
There are lots of other things that come from or
Made from Rocks. . .
It is said . . . .
The Wise Man Builds His House Upon the Rock. . .
My Great-Grandpa built his home with Rocks. . .
The Rocks come from the mountains that surround
this quaint little town I grew up in. . .
My Great Grandpa and his brother, my Great-Great Uncle
Built this little HOME with their own hands. . . they used
The materials that surrounded the area in which it stands. . .
It is a cute little quaint home. . . with lots of sweet memories.
It is still in the family. . .My Aunt owns the home. .
It is not "just a house" it is a HOME. . .
It has been filled with the laughter of children. . .
The smell of good home cooking. .
The cleanliness of a meticulous homemaker.
Family gatherings have filled the air with cheerful conversations.
Children have played on the well kept grass. .
Flowers adorned the garden
The table was always filled with vegetables and fruit
Grown from the well tended garden.
Most of all families and friends were cherished
And welcomed in this quaint little house built with Rocks. .
A Firm Foundation of
Love, Respect, Honor and
Strong Christian Values
If the walls could talk. . . oh what stories they could tell. .
There is a comforting spirit that is within this little home. .
Even though the main characters are gone
Their spirits still linger. . .
When I walk through the rooms I can still see the
Adorable little couple that made my childhood happy.
Tomorrow I will take you to the garden. .
I want to show you something
Unbelievable that is in a Rock
See you tomorrow. . .K
I will be linking to several blog parties. . .
Delightsome Life