Sunday, March 13, 2011

Springtime Birds Are Coming Home

The Sun Is Shining!
It is Warm!
Spring is really coming!
Yes, I am happy today. . . a little sunshine is always good.
Today is Sunday and it is Beautiful where I live.
I know the month of March is fickle
But today she is showing a very good side.
I actually heard a bird singing this morning.
Oh, can it be?
I readied their little houses so they have a place to nest

Here among the ribbons and bows they will make their home.
Perched upon my blue table
Are the houses I made for them.
Birds are a sure sign of Spring.
The little houses are ready for their arrival
I hope they like what I have done for them. . .
I'll patiently wait for every little sign of
Springtime Birds Coming Home. . .
I am joining these blog parties;
Please visit them. . .  there are some cute things going on


  1. Love your little birdhouses! I've been working on several of those myself for my Open House. I see great minds think alike :)

  2. Sweet birdhouses!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. Love your birdhouses, Karie! I adore them myself and I have them all over my home. Thanks for sharing yours and have a wonderful week.



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