Monday, March 14, 2011

Creating Beauty

This past week I have had
Several projects going.
It is so rewarding to finally complete a few things
And feel good about what I have created.
Keeping my home decorated and clean and inviting
Is a blessing and a privilege.
I thank God that He has given me the
Talents and abilities to Create and Accomplish so much.

A few of my creations this week
Spring will arrive in just a few days. . .
So I had better not waste the time the Good Lord has given me,
I will be Spring Cleaning  and Creating.
Hope you will come back to see what I have done!

I will be joining
Little Red House/Mosaic Monday
Savvy Southern Style/Wow Us Wednesday
Elements Interiors/Whassup Wednesday?
The Shabby Chic Cottage/Transformation Thrusday
Fireflies and Jellybeans/Show-off Your Stuff
Beyond The Picket Fence/Under $100
House of Hepworth/Hookin-Up
The Shabby Nest/Frugal Friday


  1. Hi there this is my first time joining in with Monday Mosaic and I am now hopping around from Italy viewing all the wonderful blogs that join in. It looks like you are a creative lady.

  2. You are quite talented! I agree, each day is such a blessing from the Lord - I love your reminder to do our best each day for Him -
    Hope you have a wonderful week,

  3. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

  4. LOVE THIS! Come on ova' and link up to my Linky Party! xoxokara


    I am CRAAAAZY about your stand with the Lord and that you share that! Im TOTALLY with you on that!

  5. I hope you still used Pinky... I love her.. I just bought her and blue boy in a vintage small frame... I love them.

  6. Hi Karie, I'm awarding you the Stylish Blogger Award. Your blog looks really good. Hope your doing ok. love ya

  7. Hi, your blog is so cute!! Great tutorials!!


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.