Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just A Little Green For March

You know how happy I am to have
March Here. . . .

 March means. . .  it is time to add a little Green to the decor
Oh, I am very fickle with color. . . .
Pink and Blue may be my favorites,
But, Hey, I can add Green to the scheme of things.
 My shelf is the first to get the touch of GREEN.
I like to decorate with the holidays. . .  and it is
St. Patrick's holiday this month. . .March.
 I hope you can see the cute little mug on the shelf
It was given to me from my Aunt Carol. . .
My only daughter was born on March 17th.
St. Patrick's Day
So, of course she receives St. Patrick themed presents. .
Oh, back to the shamrock mug. . .
My Aunt gave that to me as a special gift for having
A little St. Patrick baby girl. . . .
 Luck O' The Irish
Was embroidered by me. . . . it has been a while ago.
Not only do I have a daughter born on St. Patrick's Day
I am an Irish-Scot!
My ancestors on my Father's side migrated to America
From Ireland and Scotland
In the mid 1800's
Therefore that wonderful Irish blood flows through my veins.
 Yesterday, I was shopping at the Craft Store, Michael's
And I found this adorable bird cage 50% off
I just had to have it. . . But. . .
Problem is I don't like bird's caged. . .  They need to be free!
So, there you have the beginnings of the March decor. .
Oh, I will be changing things. . . you know me.
Nothing stays the same in my home.
It can change from day to day. . . Heck it has
Changed hour from hour.
For a person who doesn't like change
I can sure change the decor around here. . .
By the way, I am painting.
Yep, I have also been painting today.
You will get sick of seeing the painting projects.


  1. Hi Karie! That bird cage is adorable! I have not been to Michaels for a long time ~ so after seeing your cute bird cage I must pay them a visit. Last Saturday you left a comment on my blog about featuring some stuff from my cottage for this Pink Saturday. That's very sweet of you and feel free to go ahead and use whatever you like. Bentley is a big ham, so would love to be mentioned. Have a wonderful day!

    Susan and Bentley

  2. Everything is adorable....I am like you, painting needs to be on my list, but so far, I have not gotten to it! Happy VTT!

  3. Your shelf looks so cute with the little birdies and the touches of that :)
    Yep, it's time to bring on the green around our home too...I always want to about March! I am so glad it's almost Spring :)
    Big hugs,

  4. Karie,
    I couldn't tell you were of Irish descent by your name. I love your name and the way you spell it. I also love your Irish spring decor you have placed on your shelf. I need to get to Michael's and get one of those bird cages. It is adorable. It looks a lot like one I just found at the Salvation Army. Mine was black and I was thinking of painting it, but yours is already the perfect color. The newest Country Living had one of these in an outdoor party setting. I just love it. Thanks for linking this up!

  5. oh wow, love the little mug on the shelf, the birds are adorable! and you're so good in embroidery! gorgeous march decor! Happy St.Patrick's day!


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