Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Little Thrifting Never Hurts Anyone

One day this week I was just feeling "low"
So, off I went to the Thrift Store.
Sometimes I just like to browse around
And see what is there.
But, this time I did find a few little pieces of junk Treasure
Let me show you what I found. . .
Milk glass. Can never pass that up. $1
I do believe that is Transferware. $1 for both cup and saucer
Adorable china flower plates 50 cents a piece
(With the mark of Crown Staffordshire England)
Each plate has a name on the bottom. (Interesting)
Also found this adorable quilt. .
Not a mark on it and in perfect condition.
(I know DI washes everything before it goes on the floor)
I gave it a good hot washing, and it is beautiful. $3.00
Then. . .

This beautiful frame. . .It really isn't the color
I am going for right now, but I thought I could paint it. .
A nice man saw me holding the frame and debating
Whether to buy it or not.
He came rushing over with this beautiful print. . .
It went perfect with the frame. . . .  and I really like it.
And I don't want to paint the frame. . .
I just so happen to have the perfect place for it.
Total cost for the frame and print. . . $4
Well, I felt pretty good after my time at the thrift store.
Come home with my junk treasures
Gave a good sign and had a Diet Coke. 
I feel much better now!
Oh, the joys of being a JUNKER!
I do believe I will hook up with other
Treasure Hunters.
This is Linda's last time hosting the party. Next week
We will be at a new hostess,


  1. Hi Karie: I love the tea cup you shared today, as well as the other pieces. The thrift store always lifts my spirits too. It is so much fun to find new treasures. I look forward to getting to know you. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  2. Wow! I can't believe you got such good deals! Those are all fabulous finds! The picture is beautiful. And I've never heard of getting a quilt for $3. Amazing.

  3. Very nice bargains! I'm reallllly loving that brown transferware and the milk-glass--don't you just love getting the best stuff on the cheap! Have a great weekend. Patty

  4. OMYGOSH! I want to go thrifting with you! What amazing deals on some great treasures. I could really relate to this post. There is nothing like finding a deal at a thrift store for lifting my spirits. However, YOU finding great deals at the thrift store is making me a little jealous! Thanks so much for linking up. laurie

  5. So glad you are feeling better now. And I know exactly how you feel. Thrifting, junking and treasure hunting always lifts my spirits. Love that pretty quilt. :)

  6. I really love the painting and the frame it is in, how nice of that gentleman to make you aware of the painting.

  7. What a sweet man to match your frame up with the print that makes it looks so good. You got yourself some great treasures at the thrift store. Don't you love it!

  8. Joining your blog from a Stroll thru life. Love a thrift store girl.. great finds.. bought that exact blanket for my Granddaughters room her two years ago for over $40 I think it was Ralph hangs off the crib..


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