Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We are winding up the month of March
It has been nice to have the Hope
Of Spring that March brings. . .
(the weather is still teasing us here)
I did several decoration changes during this month.
I guess it is the restless feeling I have in me
I can't seem to leave things alone. . .
I want to be changing my house decor
I want to be outside . . . I want to be on the go. . .
I go from one project to another. . .
Is it Cabin Fever?
Well, here are some of the changes I did this month
Nothing major, just little things. . . but change nonetheless.

 Of course my house is decorated for St. Patrick's Day
A little green was added, with shamrocks. . .
 Well, last night the restless bug hit me. . . . I decided I needed another
Spring bouquet. . . 
(faux of course , but faux is good!)
 The little compote I used is one of my Milk glass. . .
I found it just this week at the Thrift Store, DI
 They may be fake, faux but still so pretty.
 I put the bouquet on the side-board in my living room.
For a Change, , , , the living room needed something Pink and Springy
Then I made a small change on the blue buffet. . . .
It all turned out good, and settled my restlessness. . . .
For a few hours anyway.
Now today I am flitting from one project to another!
How about you, do you get that restless feeling?
And do you need some change?
Come back again and see what new changes I have done. . K
House of Hepworth
Beyond The Picket Fence
The Shabby Chic Cottage
No Minimalist Here


  1. You have your cottage looking mighty pretty. I did the same thing today...changed a few things around, worked all morning and then wondered if I had REALLY made a difference. hahhaa...well, anyway, it always makes me feel good to make even a small change.:))
    xo bj

  2. Karie, Isn't it fun just to move things around? Your vignettes are so pretty. Thank you for sharing part of your lovely home at my Open House party. Take care.

  3. Good morning Karie! I enjoyed iewing your blog. I'm a mover of stuff too..only to have my kids come home and complain..ha! I adore your porch pics! happy Pink Saturday! Sunny 109


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