Saturday, September 18, 2010

Technical Problems

I have had major Technical Problems
with my blog.
A dear sweet visitor e-mailed me and to let me know
she could not view my blog
It showed a blank screen.
For Three Days
I knew this was going on. .. ..
But, I didn't know how to fix it.
Where do you get help when you just know the basic of the computer?
Well, I went to the Blogger Contact.
It actually listed the problem I was having.
Gave great directions on how to solve the problem
The problem was one of the Blog sites
that I was linking up to for their Linky Party
had a button too large for my blog.
I had to remove All of my Linky Party Blog Buttons.
Someone out there in Bloggerville
Has a Button that is too large!
So now I have to do something else for the linky parties
If you are a hostess and you don't see your button
on my Blog, be patient I will add your name to
the Blog Party Roll soon.
Oh, the joys of Blogging.
Have a great Day everyone

1 comment:

  1. I, too, got rid of all the blog buttons..too many things on the sidebar slows down loading time really bad..
    I think, with all the HTML buttons, the linky photos for the parties ...all combined is causing problems.
    So glad you fixed yours..:)


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