Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Decor II and More

I have been busy doing more
Fall Decorating.
I found these wooden blocks at DI
I couldn't leave them the way they were (ugly)
So I spray painted and put some cute paper on them
and used my Cricit to cut the FALL letters.
(I did this at 2:00 AM this morning!)
They sit on top of my T.V.
Ya, I know I don't have a flat screen. . . just a little behind times.
This cute little orange basket I also found at DI
(it is Fenton Glass)
It proably  belonged to some sweet mother that
had passed away
and her children were cleaning out her house and
just gave it to DI. . . .
(That will happen to me, and believe it or not it will happen to all of us!)
It goes great with the Fall decor.
I added this to the table vignette. . .
Found the frame at DI
Spray painted it.
I had the word on the plexi glass but it didn't fit the frame size.
I took it to the glass company and they cut it to fit.
(No charge! Can you believe it?)

While I was having a sleepless night, I decided my
Jackson needed to be changed.
So I put this turquoise paper behind it
and tied a new ribbon on it
Added it to the black shelf

When I was younger and raising my family
I changed my decor for every season and holiday
I am OLDER now, AND, I am lazy it is a lot of WORK
to keep changing the decor.
But there are just some things I can not let go. . . .
So I keep changing what I can and
leaving some things as they are. . .

Come back and see what I am going to do next.

Sunday September 19, 2010
I am linking to:


  1. Hi Karie! Thank you for stopping by to visit me! I love your fall decorations..so pretty. The 'Emma night stand' you did was fabulous...great project!! Angie xo

  2. Very nice Fall decor! The blocks turned really cute. What a great idea!
    I so know what you mean to about not having the same energy as in my younger years to keep up with changing things for the seasons and holidays like I used to. Sigh...

    Thanks for sharing,and for dropping by to visit!

  3. So cute and pretty:)))
    Have a great weekend:)
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana

  4. I love how those blocks turned out.

  5. i love your sign and blocks! they look great. oh, how a cricut would come in handy!


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