Friday, April 29, 2011

Simple Vignette

Believe it or not, I am still putting away
Easter Decor. . .
I don't know what is wrong with me. .
I am so behind on my to-do list.
My little mini vacation
Wiped me out!
(I will blame my lack of motivation on that)
I did get my dining room table cleared
And created a simple centerpiece
I am tired of  clutter right now.
 The silver pieces are some that I found at the thrift store (DI)
The doily I crocheted a few years ago.
 I have a white lace tablecloth on the table
I found it also at the thrift store
 Sometimes I have to go simple.
I am sure I will be changing this little vignette. .
Nothing stays the same for me.
This is what is happening outside
Actually I just looked out the window and the show is
sticking to the ground.
I am not going to complain though. . .
After viewing on the news the devastation in Alabama and other states
I will be grateful for snow. . .
I am so sorry for the sorrow and pain so many are feeling right now.
My prayers are with them all. . . .
May the Tender Care of the Savior be with them.

I will be linking this post to


  1. Sweet vignette! We are supposed to be getting more snow this weekend!! Are you sure it is Spring!?

  2. Hi Karie' I love your simple vignette. I feel the same way after a big holiday full of decorations. I LOVE the decorations during the holidays, but when it's over, I'm ready for simple - for awhile. Then have such fun with my grandkids as we dive right back into more decorating fun!

    And for Mary Ellen - It is - it is spring! We had sunshine - for one day! My granchildren and I were out and about in it - cleaning up sticks, playing ball tag, having fun! :) Now it's back to clouding up - but for one day, we did have spring! There's hope for the rest of the season. Maybe. Possibly. Soon...

    PS Can you tell that, despite the weather, I definitely have SPRING FEVER! :)

  3. Karie, your table looks so pretty. I can't believe it is still snowing in some places! I am praying for so many who were affected by all of these storms, and I'm also praying that there won't be more devastation from flooding. Thank you for linking your pretty centerpiece to Favorite Things. laurie


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