Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Tablescape

I haven't done a Tablescape for several months.
I feel so inadequate with my simple
Table Settings. . .
I love doing them, I am just not good at it.
I love looking at Tablescapes
Hosts a Great Tablescape Party
You have just got to see the beautiful
I am in awe at the talent and beauty.
Click HERE to see them. .
So here goes with a few pictures of my
April Tablescape.
I just got a new camera and I am still learning
That is why there are so many pictures!
 My Dining Area. . . Nothing fancy.
But, it is home for me.
 Just a very simple Tablescape.
 All of the plates and dishes are from DI
 I just loved this china plate and I had to have it.
DI of course.
 Even the little egg holders I found at DI
The rose salt and pepper shakers were a gift.
 What! You have never used paper napkins?
Oh, my!  I will be banned for life from the Tablescaping Society!
 This platter is Homer Laughlin
Also found at DI (thrift store)
I love the color. . Turquoise. . .one of my faves.
 The detail of the plates.
I use them for everyday and for best.
It doesn't matter to me. . . . I like them.
So there you have my
April Tablescape.
It isn't much. . . .maybe some day I will have the
Knack to set a beautiful table.
So. . .I am linking this to
Also because I have used all things Thrifty I am linking to:
And I will be linking to:

I hope you will come back again. . . .K


  1. I think you table is beautiful and charming. I LOVE the plates with the floral edge! Everything goes so well together. Very inviting!

  2. This is gorgeous. Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas!

  3. The floral plates are beautiful - isn't shopping at DI great? Your tablescape is warm & inviting. Love the little eggcups; I would not have thought of using them like that & it is just darling.

  4. You have a very cozy dining area, i agree that the turquoise plates are gorgeous, love the tablecloth as well! so lovely!!

  5. What a beautiful tablescape! I love the pattern on your china and those cute egg holders.

  6. You table looks BEAUTIFUL and HAPPY! Im your newest follower:) I would LOVE for you to follow me:)
    I would LOVE to have you link up to my PARTY! WHASSUP WEDNESDAY!!

    And I have a party button you can grab and put on your blog so your friends can come too:)



  7. Hi lovely lady. I love your sweet Looking Tablescape. I also love your plates with the floral edge!!! Im your newest follower on your Blog now. I hope you can come over and see my newest Tablescape. I hope the Sun will shine on you today and always.

  8. you made me laugh today! banned from the tablescaping society with your paper napkins, that is awesome! seriously, i do see so many lovely tablescapes, but think how much storage you'd have to have, and all the money spent. i love your scapes for real people! paper napkins using real people!

  9. Lovely tablescape. I love the addition of the birdhouses. The flowered plates are beautiful and I love that tablecloth nice pastel colors. Paper napkins very chic! I have been known to pass around the paper towels!!!!!!!!! ~~Sherry~~

  10. I love your pretty dining room and your tablescape is very pretty.
    I don't have all the fancy, pretty things for a table, either..some people have the most beautiful things. But, it is still fun to play along and the great thing is...everyone understands that not all of us have the most beautiful things..we just have fun doing it.:))

  11. Hi Karie...thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comment. Your table looks so inviting...I love the round placemats. I bought some last summer for my outside table...they make setting the table so much easier because they actually fit. Well done! Nice to meet you...~Ann

  12. Ha ha honey, we have all used paper napkins at one time or another. It's perfectly fine. I am a thrift store addict and have millions of linens and we do need a storage shed just to house them all. My poor hubby has lost his double garage now, to all my storage boxes. Don't kid yourself that you aren'y very good at tablescaping, you are as good as the rest of us...whether that be good or bad.

    I loved your table!


  13. I love your dining room. The table setting is very pretty...perfect. Diane

  14. Your table is so pretty!! When our kids were out there in college (BYU and UVU) I loved going to DI. There is nothing here that comes close!

  15. Well Karie, I love your tablescape! So many beautiful thrift finds and they all look so pretty together! And as far as paper napkins, oh my gosh, they have come out with so many truly gorgeous ones that I have to splurge every now and again on them! thank you for joining me for TTF! I hope you are having a wondeful weekend!

  16. Very pretty, perfect an Easter brunch or dinner. Thanks for sharing at Beyond The Picket Fence.


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