Sunday, February 20, 2011

Loving Pink

I don't know what is going on with me
But, I am loving PINK. . .
I have always loved PINK but never decorated with it.
Except in my daughters bedroom when she was a little girl.
(I cried when she wanted to change her bedroom to a "big girl")
And my daughter was a little girl a long time ago. . .
So, now I want PINK.
I want to add PINK to everything.
Yes, Accent with PINK.
Why I even want to wear PINK.

My dining area decorated in PINK
 Maybe it is because I want SPRING
And PINK reminds me of Spring..
 Yep, you are seeing correctly. . . That is a PINK Eiffel Tower!
My daughter bought that for me. . . .
Can you believe it?
She said, "Mom I don't know where you will put it
But, you will find a place."
She knows I Love the EIFFEL TOWER
Of course I will find a place for it!
 Spring PINK vase with Spring PINK tulips ..  . .
 And I even have PINK candles.
With a PINK ribbon on the tiny bird cage.
 You know I am also in love with anything with my initial
You'd be surprised how much PINK brightens your day. .
It is gloomy and rainy here in Utah
But inside my little place it is bright and cheerful
With the color PINK!


  1. I am loving all your pink! The table looks wonderful with that Eiffel tower being the "star"!

  2. I love your pink...and it does make us feel girly and happy, doesn't it? Makes me want pink slippers...and pjs! heehee! ♥

  3. Pink is my favorite. I always say when in doubt pink is always the right choice.

  4. I agree with you, I *love* pink!! It's such a happy and passionate color. It definitely harkens to spring and we need that so desperately in the Northeast!! I would love it if you link up to my party, A Marvelous Mess. I will picking one project to feature on the sidebar of my blog for a week!! Here is the link:

  5. Oh, I love that pink Eiffel tower!

  6. we love pink too, what's not to love?? :)

    thanks for the comment, now following you! you have such fun style! and you're in ut, that's where my in-laws live. i would LOVE to live there as it's so magical everytime we visit but my hubby's job will probably never allow we'll just enjoy the az sunshine in the meantime.

    nice "meeting" you! (: kelli & kristi

  7. Hi Karen! I'm loving seeing your pinks too! Whaat a cute Eiffel Tower!! Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Such a cheerful table top. I love the pink Eiffel Tower.

  9. Gorgeous. I love your pink and the Eiffel Tower is way toooooooo cute. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  10. Love your PINK! And you already know I am a pinkaholic :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.


  11. So girly - I love it! I am taking a button and I will be back for more! :)

  12. Pink its a great color! Love it! I've never seen a pink Eiffel Tower! Thank you for stoppin by :-)

  13. Pink is such a happy color--so fresh and cheerful!

  14. I have never seen a pink Eiffel Tower but I love it! What a great gift!

    You are right on trend with your love of pink. House Beautiful just devoted an entire issue to pink and Pantone declared Honeysuckle ( a bright pink) to be the 2011 color of the year.

    Thanks for visiting my new blog and leaving such a nice comment!

  15. very pretty, I have one of those Eiffel tower on my porch, might give it a coat of paint soon.

    wow, wow, can I come over? I am going to recreate this for the weekend...

    Don't forget to add this project in our linking party where every Wednesday we showcase projects for our readers to discover.
    Thank you,

  16. What a sweet and knowing daughter you have! I love that pink Eiffel Tower.

  17. What wonderful pinks you have and that Eiffel Tower is fabulous.

  18. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Love your Eiffel tower and monogram plate!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  19. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Karie. I am so glad you joined us, and I hope you will continue.

    The color pink can definitely give us a smile, can't it? Your dining room looks so pretty dressed in pink. And, that polka-dot ribbon makes my heart go pitter-pat.

  20. I found you via Pink Saturday! What a lovely blog you have!! I am participating in Pink Saturday for the first time tomorrow!!! Looking forward to getting to know you!
    Rhonda :-)


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