Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Few Thrift Store Finds

I was not going to the Thrifty Store this week
I have enough "stuff"!
Oh, but I just couldn't stay away. . .
And there is always room for more "stuff".
So here is my junk  "stuff" I found. .
 What if. . . I had not gone, I would have missed this beautiful
Silver dish
And just look at the plate!
 Oh, heaven forbid if I would have missed this beautiful plate.
 And the purple vase. . . . for my dear friend Sue.
She loves colored glass.
I just had to give it to her.
 The amber hob-nail candy dish. . . I couldn't pass that up..
The black vase I know I will use it somewhere, sometime.
And the amber-ish vase, let me tell ya, the picture does not do it justice.
It is beautiful
I simply can not miss a week  going to the DI (thrift store)
I am afraid I will miss something. . . someone else will get it.
I think it is the thrill of the hunt. . .
Just finding that tresures. . . .
I can always make room for "STUFF"
I am linking this to:

I will have more thrift store finds to show you, that's for sure!


  1. Oh I am with you. I love to go see what I can find. Your treasures are all wonderful. You found so true beauties. Hugs, Marty

  2. I can COMPLETELY relate to this post! Great finds :)

  3. Hi Karie! Oh, what wonderful treasures you've found! I would arm wrestle you for any one of those. :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Hi Karie!
    Thanks for the visit and for sharing these fabulous finds. They are all so beautiful :)
    Blessings and Hugs,

  5. Thank you so much for your comment!
    I completely understand your addiction. I'm beginning to become a thrifty addict myself. Yeesh. :)

  6. I really love that floral plate too--you did great on the pretties.

  7. Karie I know the thrill of the hunt for sure! You found some lovely items this week. I have a black vase like yours and its pretty awesome. And such a pretty plate! Yep, glad you went to the thrift! Thanks for sharing this week on JFF!! hugs, Linda

  8. Great finds! I am a new follower. I absolutely LOVE the floral plate!! I too am addicted to thrift shopping. I think of it as a "sickness" LOL Anyway....glad I found your blog. Blessings <3 Paula

  9. I go through periods where I go thrifting quite often then I don't go at all. I'm sure you're getting all my good

  10. You sure found some great treasures here, I love that silver dish. I'm with you, I have a hard time "not going" because I'm always thinking about what I might be just never know.

  11. Beautiful finds! I especially like the plate; it's gorgeous!

  12. Great finds! Lovin' your amber candy dish, very pretty:@)

  13. I really am envious of all the wonderful things that my Stateside blogging friends are able to find at Thrift stores, imagine if you had stayed home and missed all these lovely items.

  14. Hi Karie,

    Boy do I hear you and relate on this post! I have to stay away as much as I can now because I'm not working, but it is thrilling to score big. You did great on the things you found.

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday,


  15. OOO, you did, indeed, find some amazing things. They are all pretty. Good for you.

    I went yesterday and came home with an arm load of "stuff". :)
    Ever so often, I go thru my hutch and other "dish stash" places and take a load BACK to the thrift store. Sometimes, I am afraid I am going to buy back my own STUFF...Ahhhh, but ain't life grand!!
    xo bj
    Oh, and good luck on winnint the giveaway. CSN has just about anything you could ever want. I have a new small chandy for my hallway, a FANTASTIC waffle iron, all kinds of neat things.
    Love them.

  16. Hi Karie, I'm going to say right off that I'm jealous! The last few times I've gone to the thrift store there was nothing enticing. I think everyone has stopped cleaning their homes right now :(.

  17. You are sooo right! Just when I think I cannot bring another thing into my house, I find a deal that I can't pass up, and then I somehow find room for it in my home. You got some really pretty treasures. Love the plate, and that silver dish is gorgeous. thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.