Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bonanza of Silver

Wow! Someone is cleaning out their
Silver Chest. .

Last week I was able to buy two pieces of silver

(Last weeks finds)

And this week I found four pieces
They look terrible when I buy them.

 I haven't worked on the covered dish
It is really going to need a lot of elbow grease and lots of time!
 But, I bring them home and use tarnish remover
And LOTS of elbow grease.
 They look much better
The picture really doesn't do them justice
The little candy dish (I guess that is what it is)
Is just dainty and so pretty.
The creamer and sugar bowl will be very useful.
I have never owned pieces of silver.
So, I am thrilled to find these for only a few dollars.
All six pieces cost me less than $5.
It always amazes me what you can find at
The thrift store (Deseret Industries).

I am linking this to


  1. What a great find! I love bringing things home and seeing them transform with a little tlc. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) ~Alana~

  2. wow, I just love silver. It cleans up so well!

  3. What great finds! I'm always on the look-out for silver. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your day,

    P.S. Good luck with your blog header. Following Marty's Tutorial was so easy.

  4. Your silver finds are amazing and at those prices...fabulous! I love how silver can look so blah and then a little polish and elbow grease and you have some amazing pieces! Thanks for joining Junkin Finds Friday! hugs, Linda

  5. Wow! All 6 for less than $5?! I'm so jealous! They look great shined up. thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow, did you get a great deal on these pieces. I think that little candy dish is so adorable. Lots of work to get off all that tarnish, so sometimes I just leave it on.

  7. I love your silver finds! They cleaned up wonderfully!

  8. I love finding these pieces, the more tarnished the better! Thanks for linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence.

  9. Ooohh--I do love silver stuff---these are beautiful pieces! Great finds!


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