Sunday, February 27, 2011

February- - - A Great Month of Projects

February is on it's way out
March is knocking on the door
Even though I have 10 inches of snow where I live
And more is on it's way. . .
I can see Spring on the horizon!
February was a good month for me
I completed some projects that I am pleased with.
I learned a few things. . . like how to make a
Picture Mosaic
I will be linking this to


  1. GREAT mosaic, sister friend.
    I am totally in love with your bountiful buffet on the sidebar. Gotta go take a closer look. :))
    xoxo bj

  2. Great job on the mosaic and on all you've accomplished while waitinig for Spring. Just'll have time for more while you wait a while longer. Wish you were here in Texas with me....we have sunshine and the garden centers are loaded with Flowers and Plants. I bought tomatoes yesterday! Yipee...will be planting them soon. Thanks for stopping by CITexas Gal. Enjoyed my visit to your blog.

  3. Hi Karie! You have been busy! Love all of your projects and I know how that makes one feel. Your mosaic looks wonderful too!
    Thanks for popping in and offering to help me with my genealogy. If I run into trouble I just may ask your help!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I cannot believe tomorrow is march 1st! Feb just flew by! Wonderful mosaic! Can't wait to see what projects you takle this month!

  5. Well done! Your mosaic is fun -- a pink Eiffel Tower!!!!!


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