Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where Much Is Given~~Much Is Expected

A few things are going on with this cute little blog
I never thought I would reach
Over 5,000
So Soon!
I am thrilled to say the least . . . .
Your comments have been much appreciated.
I just love each one of you
I have never met you in person!
But thank you so much!
You have no idea what
you have done for me.
Seriously. . . you are the best!
Along with having so many viewers
I am now at a new level in
(I am not in the "in crowd" yet)
But I have some new
things on the horizon.
I am looking forward to the future
One of the things for the
future is
Product Reviews
from places like CSN Stores

But one of the things I firmly believe
Where much is given
much is expected!

I hope I NEVER
Disappoint you my dear friends
In Bloggerville.


  1. Congrats! I've had fun reading through your posts. I think we all feel our work is not good enough some of the time, and I am pretty sure most bloggers homes do not look like the photos all the time. Well, maybe a few, but not this one!!
    thanks for visiting!

  2. Hello from Friday Follow =) Im your newest follower and congratz! 5000 is a big deal, way to go.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Omygoodness...over 5000 views...that's awesome.
    "the in crowd"??? bwaaaa, i wanna be in the IN CROWD, too. But, nevertheless, I am having such fun blogging. I never look at it as I HAVE to do ANYthing other than just love it all...and love all the bloggers. It's such fun to take the photos, come up with a cute post...go that extra mile that makes our posts fun to read. Then, the visiting is awesome. I just seldom have enuf time to visit all I'd like.
    Have a happy day,


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.