Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thrifty Treasures

It really is true what they say
One Man's Junk Is Another Man's Treasure
I have been finding TREASURES!
I like to go to DI (Deseret Industries)
The last couple of weeks I have really found some treasures!
I didn't pay over $1
Some of the items were only .50
Can you believe it?
These are just a few of my finds. . . .
I love the little "depression glass" watchamacallit. . . .
And the "cut glass" and the dainty wine glass!

Look at this Milk Glass.
I collect Milk Glass . .
(Martha got me started on that)
I have collected for many years, some day I will do a post
on my Milk Glass collection.

My heart pounded when I saw some of these pieces. . .

Hoping no one else saw them. . . . .I was the lucky one

to come across these beautiful pieces.

Aren't the fruit salt and pepper shakers cute?

I just love them in the little dish I found.

The brown dish is "Cranival Glass".

It has the prettiest lattice work on the sides of the dish.

$1 Ya, I said $1

Oh, it is true someone's junk

was my treasure!

I think I am a "junker"!

I think my kids are afraid I am!!!!!!!!


  1. I love depression glass and milk glass also. You have some great finds there!

  2. Oh my gosh - I love milk glass!!! I just did a post about finding some milk glass at Goodwill.... don't you just love it!?

  3. Great finds...I collect milk glass and vintage glass also and have found many wonderful finds at the DI. Come say hi sometime.


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