Monday, August 2, 2010

Ruffled Table Runner

It has been a hot summer weekend
and I had lots to do, but I was able
to squeeze in something I have wanted to make
for a long, long time.
I have seen a lot of them out in Bloggerville
They are so dang cute! I just had to make one for my
oak dining table
It looks so pretty on my table
Kind of "late" Summer colors
that can carry me over to Fall
I first saw it at Tatertots & Jello.
That Jen is so creative.
(you can get her tutorial like I did)
I seem to like everything she does.
so what do I do?
I copy!
But with my own variations
and my way of doing it.

My ruffles are 4" wide by about 36"long
I used my pinking shears to cut them
I like more of a finished edge (no frays)
They are sewn about an inch apart.
Between the front and back is just a thin quilt batting.

I sewed the ruffles on the front

then I put the back facing the front
and sewed three edges
turned it right side out
and sewed the open end.
(like you are making a pillow)
It was much easier than I thought it would be
Just takes some time.
I love it!
I really like the great ideas we get from other
crafters and bloggers.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your ideas.
Isn't it fun!
Now I am off to see what I can
create next!


  1. How beautiful this runner is!! I have been wanting to get my sewing machine out after years of it sitting idle. This would certainly be a fun project!

  2. I love it and I love the colors!!

  3. This is so cute! I haven't seen these before, so thanks for sharing. :) Thanks for linking to Transform Tuesday!!

  4. How cute is THAT? I just make have to make one for my white pedestal table...when I get my sewing machine fixed! :S Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I just love visitors! Hope to hear from you again sometime and have a lovely day! :)

  5. Cute and so different from regular type runners.

  6. Wow!! that is sooo pretty with that pop of teal! I LOVE it:)
    I'm visiting from
    Come by and check out my giveaway going on right now:)

  7. that looks great, i love your version!

    so glad you stopped by the cape on the corner, and for your comment on my newly acquired apothecary jars. i am so glad to have them, lol!

  8. Gotta have one!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  9. I saw her's too and loved it as well! Yours looks LOVELY!!!!

  10. Wow, this is so pretty! I've had fabric on my sewing table for a runner...FOR.EV.ER! Maybe this week...

    Found you on TidyMom, happy weekend!

  11. I just popped over from the Tidymom's I'm Lovin' It Friday link you left. This is a neat table runner you made. Your color and print choices are sweet. I like the pictures of your work in progress. :) I love to sew as well. I also left a comment after your wonderful found doily that you made into a pillow. Your blog is very cute.

  12. WOW! This turned out simply elegant!! I love it! :) Great fabric choices!!


  13. This is sooo fabulous! I just love the colors! Thank you so much for linking it to my party!!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  14. That is so adorable! I may have to copy YOU. Lisa~

  15. Your runner turned out so great!! I love the colors and the polka dots. Love it!



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