Thursday, August 19, 2010

She Is A Beauty

Just completed this little
for my daughter-in-law
GinaI found her on KSL Classified
No, not Gina, the table!
She (the table!) doesn't look too bad
in this picture,
but the color was yucky
and the paint was all chipped
and not looking too good.
So you know the process
sand, prime, paint. . ..
I had to bring it all inside
the day I was working on the table
it was hot, hot!
The paint does funny things when it is not
the right tempeture. . . . . . . . . .. anyway mine does.
The paint I used is Martha Stewart
Fennel Seed is the color
That Martha knows her colors!
This is her all completed.
Isn't she pretty?
(Ya, Gina is pretty too!)
I almost didn't want to part with this.
It went perfect in my house.
I am happy to give it to Gina
she has been wanting a tall slender table.

She is a Beauty!
The color is perfect.
I think I am going to do some other
pieces in this color
I really like it.
KSL Classified is a great place
(for those of you not living in Utah KSL Classified is like Craigslist)
Gina and Blake
the table!

1 comment:

  1. This turned out cute. Glad to discover a fellow crafter! Stopping by from New Friend Friday:)


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