Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trip To The Thrift Store

I haven't shown you some of my thrifty store finds lately.
I haven't found very many good finds the past
few times I have been to DI (Deseret Industries).
Darn it,
Everyone has discovered the
Fun of Thrifty Store shopping.
And the neat things you can find.
Here are a few of my found treasures. . . .

 Amber glasses for my table-settings
I searched and searched in November for amber glasses
They aren't fancy, but I like them. . .
 I can't pass up colored glass
This green compost dish will be beautiful on the table
In a setting or alone.
 I like the colors in this basket
And the basket is very durable.
Easter is only a few months away so
This little basket will be fun to decorate with. . .
 Oh, these are a Treasure find for sure. .
$1.50 apiece!
Since I am a milk-glass collector how can I pass these up?
And I don't have a milk-glass lamp.
 This one is hobnail.
Love it.
I call this "sunburst".
I don't know the real name of the pattern.

I think I did pretty good . . . . BUT
I still haven't revealed the BIG treasure I found.
It is coming, I promise I will be revealing it soon.
I am linking this to


  1. I got so excited when I saw the white lamps. Even though the middles are different they look like they are a matched set. I have seen a few lately at the thrift store, but I just can't figure out what kind of lampshade goes on them.

  2. Love those lamps! The amber glasses are nice too! Can't wait to see what your big treasure is! I went today but didn't find much- a sweater for my daughter and a glass canister. It was fun looking though!

  3. HI Sweetie....Im sooo behind on blogs, like really....really behind!! Wanted to stop by and say hi....love all your thrifty finds:)

    Hope you are well!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Editor, The Fashion 411 Magazine♥

  4. Great finds! I especially love your milk glass lamps.

    ~ Tracy

  5. Those lamps were a steal!!! That is some great finds. They may be few and far between but they are still great!!

  6. I know the thrifts are a little sparse but you found some awesome items. Love the green compote but my favorites are the milk glass lamps. I love milk glass and both of those lamps are so cute!! Thanks for joining JFF. hugs, Linda

  7. I love milk glass too, nice treasures you found!

  8. You can't beat a lamp for $1.50, and those are especially nice.


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