Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spur of The Moment Shopping

Oh, goodness, I woke up this morning feeling
A  little down in the Dumps!
The old January Dump hit me. . .
Does that ever happen to you?
Well, I decided this girl needed to get out
I know, I know, you would think after all that
Christmas shopping I would have had enough. .
But, I tell ya,
It makes me feel better to shop!
So what if I live off of Ramen Noodles the rest of the month.
So I headed to the city
That is Salt Lake City
I was looking for bargains and sales, of course

 These pretty place- mats were on sale for only $1.50
And the white bird on the sphere was $2.00
Oh, but look at those darling snowmen
Ya, they are
Fitz and Floyd!
 Oh, my gosh 50% off!
They are so dang cute!
I love them and I had to have them.
After looking at their little expressions my spirits were lifted!
 Well after that deal
I could have gone home,
But, I just had to go to the Craft Store. . . .!
 Anything with my initial "K"
I am a sucker for. . .
And the $1 bins at Michael's are just too tempting. . .
Isn't my initial cute though?
 Of course, I always need ribbon. .
I only have umpteen boxes of it
And that cute black clothespin I need that
The ribbon was only $1
And the clothespin was only $2
 Note cards and magnets are always a must!
And there was a good deal on Valentine Paper
Oh, I need that. . .
So, I came home and I felt much better.
 The Dumps are gone for now. .
Oh, they will be back. . . . I am sure.
Everything was on Sale
 And I needed wanted everything I bought.

Ok, I am linking this to


  1. Karie I do the same thing! Something about 'retail' therapy is so good. At least we shop sales and thrifts for our fun finds. I love the Fitz & Floyd snowmen! So cute. Thanks for joining JFF!!

  2. No one can have enough ribbon!! Think I will do some retail therapy tommorrow!

  3. Wow, what a load of thrifty treasures you found. I know just what you mean, a little bargain shopping always lifts my spirits.
    I came over from Junkin Finds Friday. Happy treasure hunting.

  4. What fun finds! The F & F snowmen are adorable!!

  5. I love the little Fitz and Floyd Snowmen. Their brand is made really well and they are so cute! Lovely place mats too!~Ames

  6. Your little F&F snowmen have me chuckling here! They are the best kind of snow, the kind you don't have to drive in-enjoy:@)

  7. Karie, those little snowmen are adorable.


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