Friday, January 7, 2011


Do you ever re-do after doing?
A couple of days ago I decorated my shelf
Put away the Christmas Decor
And did the
January Shelfscape. .
Well, I kept looking at it and it just wasn't
What I wanted
So I keep changing it.
I can't seem to get the right look
Here is what I first did and posted about.
Don't like it!
 Just doesn't look right to me. .
Don't like the "tall girl"
Don't like the Fleur de Lise plate
 So I changed it to this. . .
Hmmm, just not right
I Like the plates much better,
The little birds have to stay and so does the candle setting
But, it is still not appealing to me. .
 Just not what I want for my shelf. .
It is a focal point in my living room
It has to be right!
Ok, this is a little better
I added the Fitz and Floyd
Salt and Pepper Shakers
I like them with the birds and the pine candle rings.
It still is not right and appealing to my eye
Is it the ribbon?
Is it the vase with natural balls?
Why am I not getting the look I want?
Well, I will keep changing. . . .Maybe I will find the look I want
Before Spring Decorations go up.
I think I will be linking to these great blog parties
Please take the time to visit them
Between Naps On The Porch/Metamorphis Monday
Cottage Instincts/Make It 4 Monday
Craft-O-Maniac/Monday Party


  1. Just popped over from BNOTP. I so understand where you are coming from. I do this constantly! In fact, I still can't decide what to do with my mantle. Yours looks great!

  2. very Sweet vignette. Its funny how we change things over and over again and tell we get it just right. I sometimes drive myself nuts doing it. ;) have a great night. Jen


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