Monday, January 17, 2011

I Survived Another Year!

Today, I actually think I will make it through
This Month. . . January
It is my birthday today and I am still alive!
I am thankful I made it this far in life
I know lots of people who never reached my age.
I thank the Good Lord every day
 Somehow I am a Survivor!
I hit the slumps every year at this time. . .
But somehow I am able to eventually pull out of it.
I will be celebrating later this evening with my children
But, in the mean time there are "chores" to do. .
cleaning, washing, dishes, vacuuming, dusting etc.

I finally got my little dining area put together the way I want it.
I just couldn't get myself going to decorate it.
Nothing I did looked right.
But, I like it now.
This will be OK, until I add
February . . . . . . . . . Valentine
I will be linking this to:
Between Naps On The Porch/Metamorphis Monday
Cottage Instincts/ Make It 4 Monday


  1. Hi lovely lady, I wish you a Happy Brithday sweet lady !!!! I love the way you did your dining room looks Great !!! Im your newest follower on your blog. I hope you can come over and see my Tablescapes. I hope you have a Great Day!!!! Diane

  2. happy happy birthday! i hope you have a wonderful time with your children.


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