Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Decorating S L O W

My December Decorating is
S L O W!
But I am working on it. . .
I want to show you my
December Subway Art
 I am in love with my December Subway Art
Oh, I didn't make it. . .
That cute Shelly over at
Did the vinyl cut outs
 All I had to do is put them on the glass of the frame
I found my frame at the thrifty store DI
for only $5
 Painted the frame
put the words on the glass
and the background is silver wrapping paper!
Just love it!

I am sure I will be changing things
But for now I am in the process
of getting my place decorated.
And I always remember:
What Goes Up
Must Come Down!

Cute Shelly at Wonderfully Wordy
also has an adorable blog
You really should check her out
she does the cutest things!

I will be linking my post with a few linky friends

BCD 125

504 MainBeyond The Picket Fence


  1. My December decorating will be slow, too. I have so much work to do. For example, I have NO Christmas ornaments! But I'll enjoy taking things slowly, one step at a time.

    I love your progress so far, and I would like it if you linked this post to my blog's Holiday Thrift Share :) (here:

  2. I really like your Christmas subway art. Classic and yet modern! What a great addition to the holiday decor!


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