Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tea Cups Oh My!

You all know how much I love
Tea Cups
It is my latest obsession  collection!
I have collected quite a few in a short time.
I am always on the look-out for
Tea Cups
Well, take a look at these
Tea Cups. .
I found these on Google Images
I may have to try making one of these.
I bet I could!
Oh, I want one of these or maybe several
They are Rings. . .How cute is that?
Oh, this lamp is beyond cleaver and cute. .
How about that?
The above pictures make my obsession collection
Look very simple and ordinary. . .
But, that's ok.  I love My Tea Cups. .
Take a look at. . .
My Tea Cup Collection
This is only a few of the tea cups I have.. .
I will show you more later. .
All these cute tea cups and I don't drink an ounce of tea or coffee.

I will be Linking with
Beverly for Pink Saturday


  1. Teacups are always awesome! I share your obs---passion! ;)


  2. You have a wonderful tea cup collection. It is such a fun hobby isn't it? I love that it makes me sit down and be quite. That is a good thing about collecting tea cups, one tends to use them to have tea!
    Thank you so much for sharing.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.