Friday, August 12, 2011

From The Beehive Cottage

The Beehive Cottage
The name behind this adorable blog is
She is one of those blogs I go to for
A good feeling, I guess you would call it
Comfort. . Ya, that's a good description Comfort
She is one of the
Sisters On The Fly
She has an adorable vintage 1957 trailer
 You can go HERE and read about it and see more pictures
How Cute is that? I think the little dog is the cutest!
Well, if you go to her blog you will see the latest
Oh yes, it is camping to a whole new level. . .
Take a look
 Another adorable dog. . Maybe that is what I need.
This is a tent! Yes, a tent.
Decorated, Homey, and Comfy!
Can you believe it?. . .You have got to go to
The Beehive House
Maryjane has lots of cute things at her blog
Take a look, it is so
I think I could handle camping in this type of style. .
This is making a Home no matter where you are.
Please do visit Maryjane at
The Beehive House


  1. I'm going there right now.

    I love vintage trailers and used some darling vintage trailer paintings in some of my travel posts.

    I have been to a few Sisters on the Fly blogs, but I don't think this one.

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Bunny Jean's Decor and More (my main blog)

  2. You are sooo SWEET to feature my blog! It means the world to me that you did! Thank you! Thrilled yoy like to come to visit. Sweetness like this makes me want to "keep on, keeping on"!



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