Thursday, August 18, 2011

August - Beauties of It's Own

The tail end of a  beautiful Summer!
Sometimes it is hard to see August arrive. .
For in August I know that Summer
Is on it's last bloom. .
Ahh! I want to enjoy every moment of
What Summer still offers. .

The season has not been as it usually is. .
Summer had a late start
And the temperatures have been mild
 Oh, one of my favorites. .
A Beautiful Red Fresh Vine Ripe Tomato

 The Roses are beginning to bloom again.
A Gorgeous Showcase of August Beauty.
In the words of Charles Dickens
"Nature gives to every time and season
Beauties of its own"

I hope you have had a beautiful Summer. .

I am Linking with


  1. It really gets me that everyone is talking like Fall is here...we just got summer and I want it to stay around still like you. Your flowers are so pretty and the tomatoes look perfect for picking! ;D

  2. Hi Karie, your garden is beautiful. There is nothing like the beauty of flowers, is there? Lovely!


  3. oops, I just left a comment but...where is it?
    Your flowers are so lovely, Karie.
    I can't wait for WINTER. !! :)
    XO bj

  4. Well, there will be more summers! :) But its true, gotta enjoy the one we have still. Although I cannot wait for Fall to come!


  5. Your garden is lovely! Thanks for showing it at Home Sweet Home!

  6. I host a garden party on Thursday's & would love to have you link up sometime?


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.