Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finished Crochet Pillow

Hello Everyone!
I Hope you are having a great weekend.
It was a little warm outside today. . .99
So I spent most of my day inside doing
Some Housekeeping
Oh, I don't mind
I love keeping House.
After the housekeeping was finished
(Is it ever finished!?)
I finished up my crocheting project. . .
 My friend Sue has made a few of these
And I liked the cute fluffy ruffles
So, I had to make one for me.
 I made it into a round accent pillow
I used Bernat--Softee Baby Yarn. . .
I like the soft feel of the yarn
And I really like the pastel colors.
 It is a real easy pattern
If you are interested you can go HERE for directions.
I think it makes a cute girly ruffled pillow. .
It would look very nice on a cute girly bed!


  1. Oh my heavens, this pillow is adorable! I didn't see a Etsy shop?! You need to open one!!!! ;)

  2. Love your sweet pillow -- it's adorable.

  3. My Grandma made these! I love this, the colours and the design is sweet!


  4. Oh my word exactly what I needed to see today. I am packing up my craft stuff to go on my two week break and I put all my odds and ends of wool into a bag to take to a charity shop..... wow I am going to use them to make one of these cushions - thank you so much for sharing

  5. This makes me wann go look for my crochet hooks. long abandoned and forgotten! It is beautiful!


  6. Karie,

    What a lovely pillow. Just adorable. I may have to make one for my granddaughter's room. She loves pink.

    Thanks for sharing. You could sell these!!

  7. Hey Karie, had such a lovely afternoon thanks to your post, I started my cushion and it is sooo pretty. I had a load of purples and pink double knit wool, left over from making lavender bags so I have used that. Sooo pretty, can't wait to get it finished. I have added your name twice to my give away thanks for visiting!

  8. Your blooming pillow turned out beautifully. I like the colors you chose. Will have to try the pattern one of these days. Best wishes, Tammy

  9. Hi Karie,
    I love your pillow! Now I want to make one...its so "Yarn" cute! it sure would make a great Christmas gift .. I better get busy, its the right size project to take on the train with me everyday to work..
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  10. Oh goodness, this pillow is adorable! I wish I knew how to do this for my 2 little grandgirls, I know they'd love it! Thank you for sharing and for coming to visit me lovely lady. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  11. This is beautiful, I found this after searching for crochet ruffle pillows on Google and stayed and read your blog - so much warmth and creativity - thank you for sharing :-) Kx


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.