Sunday, August 7, 2011

Love Affair of Textiles

Oh, it may sound like a strange "Love Affair",
But it is true I love Textiles. . .
I come from a long line of textile lovers. .
I remember as a child going in Fabric Stores
And row after row of fabric on bolts. .
My Mom loved textiles
My Grandmother's loved textiles..
My Great-Grandmother also. .
And I know it goes way beyond them. .
My Aunts and Cousins are textile lovers. .
So you see I come by it naturally.
"Something in the hands that have the desire to create".
Here is just a small sampling of my own textile loves
That I have lovingly created. .
I have so much more I want to show you. .
You have only seen a portion of my crocheting and my textiles
I am in love with Vintage Textiles. .
My cedar chest is full of them. .  and
I must get them out and enjoy the look, the feel, the touch.
The colors and the texture . . .
Hankies, doilies, tablecloths, pillow cases. .quilts
Anything that is Textiles and is Vintage.
I search second hand stores, and antique shoppes. .
But I also love "new fresh fabric. .
(I have a large stash)
 I recently came across the cutest blog
 These pictures come from her blog
Click HERE to see her blog
 She too has the love for vintage textiles
 Isn't her collection beautiful

I am linking this with Cielo at
You see a lot of Cielo on my blog
She inspires me. . .
She too loves Textiles. . .

I am also linking with
Little Red House
She hosts Mosaic Monday
Do Come Back Again K
I think I will get those beautiful textiles out of my
Cedar Chest and show them to you. .


  1. Such pretty thngs you've created, I had to enlarge the mosaic images to get a better look.
    Happy MM

  2. Great pictures! I have some towels like yours with the doggies, but mine are kittens and I have only four of the seven days of the week. My mom is a textile junkie too, and I'm on my way, I think! :) Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  3. I just love this stuff! I embroidered some little kitchen towels for my daughter in law just like those little scotties! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Hi Karie,
    Oh me too I love textile's and fabric..I just adore all hand work and sewing.
    Please do post more of your collection..I would love to see it.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  5. Wonderful post - old textiles have such a wonderful beauty and heritage!

  6. OH, I think you're in good company! I do too and so do many, many of us - so much fun to share!

  7. From one textile lover to another, I love it! There's just something about vintage fabric that makes you fall it love upon sight. Thanks for sharing. We hope you will consider helping kids with cancer by linking into the Miracle Makeover party this coming week
    at Together we can change things! We appreciate you.

    Sherry, DGB Team

  8. Those are lovely textiles. I especially like the second to the last pillow. The vintage fruit pattern and the red ticking are so yummy cut.

    Just a reminder about the Bunny Hop... the linky is open now for Wednesdays party.

    xoxo BunnyJean @ BunnyJean's Decor and More!

    I am # 141 in the Met Monday party.


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