Friday, July 8, 2011

Finding Pink Among Red, White and Blue

I like to find a little PINK each week.  .
It seems to put a smile on my face and cheers me
When I see PINK
July is the Red, White and Blue month
My decorating has been centered around
Celebrating July 4th.
But there always seems to be something that is PINK!
This adorable little Goose made me laugh out loud!
Have ya seen anything so cute and so funny?

It belongs to my sis-in-law Julie. . .
A friend gave it too her in the 70's
It is a goosey bank!

You put the money in its beek. . . .Isn't that so hilarious?
I love it. . .
What is a yard without PINK Flamingo's?
They always make me smile. . .
I found out that Pink Flamingo's are now
Americana. . . Unique to our American Culture. . .
These little cuties are in my Aunt Colleen's yard.
This little PINK lady is very vintage. .
I have had her for a number of years. . . 
 Like I said you can always find PINK
This demolition car was in the 4th of July Parade.
What a hoot a PINK demolition car. . . .
(for the cure)
Never ceases to amaze me the things you see. . . .
I am going to show the PINK things I found at
Be sure to visit her blog . . . There will be some
Be sure to come back. . .K
I have a new project to show you. . !


  1. Well pink IS cheery isn't it! And it's amazing where it will turn up. I sold some pink flamingo paint by numbers a while ago and now I regret it! Happy PS!!

  2. You really outdid yourself today. All the different pinks are so different and fun.

  3. MY favorite is the pink demolition car!!!! Cute!

  4. Love that pink demolition car! I'm thinking ~ wouldn't a pink VW Beetle be cute?

    Susan and Bentley

  5. I enjoyed your pinks today. The little goose is too cute! Thanks for visiting and your sweet comment.

  6. What lovely post! The pink demolition car is so cute! Enjoyed all those pinks here. Thanks for sharing:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  7. OK, you got me over here with the Car for the cure...being a survivor and love the things that you have chosen to show this week...This exactly the type of post that I usually put up and the type that I love to peruse each week! I a your newest follower...Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink

  8. My girlfriend had a Piggy that matched the Goose.
    Too Cute.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday! No, you never know where pink will show up, do you! A girly-demolition car. That is a very unique goose-bank. Enjoyed my visit. Thanks, Jenn

  10. Great pinks. I love Pink Goosey. I'll bet she brings a smile to everyone who sees her!



  11. I love all the pink! And the goose bank is a WIN! Ill be back for more for sure! ;)



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