Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tender Sweet Pansy

Little Purple Pansies
Touched with Yellow/Gold
 Growing in one corner of the Garden old
We are very tiny but must try, try, try
Just one spot to gladden you and I.
 I would sing this little song in my Church
When I was a child. . . .
Maybe that is why I love little Pansy flowers. .
 I think they are so tender and sweet.
Did you know the Pansy name is a French word
meaning "pensee"?
Which means
The flower is thought to bring the
Thoughts of Loved Ones. . .
The myth is that you can see a
 Loved One
In the Face of A Pansy 
In Victorian times
A young man would send
His girlfriend a small
Pansy Bouquet which meant
 He was thinking of her!
Gosh I wish someone would send me a
Pansy Bouquet!
Enjoy the Pansies in your Garden. . .
Linking with:
Delightsome Life


  1. Oh they are so pretty. I love them. Gorgeous pictures too. Hugs, Marty

  2. Pansies are one of my all-time favorite flowers and these are gorgeous! Hope you have a great week and thanks for Showing Off Your Cottage flowers to us. :O)

  3. I love pansies, so pretty! Yours are beautiful, I love the purples.

  4. Pansies are so sweet with their little faces. I always think they are smiling at me! Have a great week.

  5. Oh, they are among my favorite flowers, especially the blue ones!!!

  6. I will give you a pensee for your thoughts! :)
    You set me up for that! I love pansies too and they are sweet.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Pretty flowers and I've enjoyed learning more about them! Thanks! ♥

  8. Thank you for telling the story behind the pansy. My grandmother used to say that pansies had faces, but I didn't know the whole story. Thank you for sending us a pansy bouquet and I do hope that you receive one yourself.

  9. Very pretty! I DID know that about their name. We have two big pots of pansies right outside the door. Besides being cheerful I love that they are easy too!

  10. I guess that is why I see faces in the pansies outside the front door. They always seem to looking to come in. Take care and have a wonderful week:)

  11. Love love love your pansies. Their little faces are just so sweet. I usually do purple and yellow pansies together around my fountain. We're BIG LSU fans...Thanks for visiting!

  12. Cute story and your pansies are beautiful. I love their cute faces. Have a great week!

  13. Beautiful pansies. I love their little faces. V

  14. Well, sweet just sent all of us a BEAUTIFUL pansy bouquet..they are lovely.
    I can see little faces in the flowers...always heard you could. Just never knew the story behind this pretty flower. Thanks for telling us.
    xo bj

  15. I didn't know the French meaning for pansy. Lovely yellow ones.

  16. Lovely pansy post. One of the reasons I like them is because they are hearty and can bear colder weather. They are the first to go on the pots on the porch...and of course the are just so pretty.

  17. I love pansies and plant them every fall. Sad to see them go mid-May here in the South because of the heat :(


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