Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fun To Be Busy

Well, hello everyone!
I have been a slacker on the blog
For the last few days. . .
Sorry about that
It just seems everything hits at once.
The weather turned nice, and there are
Lots of things to do here at my place.
How about you?
Well, when I am not at the softball fields watching
Two adorable little Granddaughter play ball
I am busy with several projects.
I showed you the pink dresser I finished for one
Of the Granddaughters..
In between painting the dresser,
I have been busy cleaning my Crap Craft Room
I don't know if I am ever going to get it
To where I want it to be. . .!
Now I am busy painting an old
 Chest of Drawers
(or as I lazily say chestersdrawers.)
Only this time it is for me!
I just finished painting some frames.
I love to find "old fashioned" frames
At the Thrift Store (DI) and
Paint them.
Do you remember this one?
Well, now it looks like this. . .

 I wanted a new frame for "Pinky"
And this DI find for $3 was perfect. .
She looks outstanding in her new frame.
 The beautiful detail of the frame.
 Amazing how paint changes something. .
 It is a perfect fit for this beautiful girl.
 I just received this print. . and it needed a decorative frame.
 I had one for it. .  just a new paint job and it is perfect
For this beautiful pink floral print.
Do you remember my wall. . . .?
Well all of the frames come from the Thrift Store.
Oh, I love looking for different frames. .
I only pay from one dollar to three dollars. .
Much cheaper than new frames. . . I have several
Tucked away in the storage closet. . .just waiting for the right
Photo or Print to go in it.
Well, I am off to paint. . . I am anxious to show you
The chest I am now doing.
It is as old as I am. . .and that is older than dirt.
My Great-Uncle made it.  Can't wait for you to see it.
Do come back. . . .K
I do believe I will be linking to
These fabulous parties. .
Be sure to check them out.


  1. I love the white frames..very pretty! It's good to be busy, I have been washing all my big windows inside and out..pooped but satisfied! ;D

  2. I LOVE your wall, hell, I like everything here! :D The decorations are stunning! Hugs to you!

  3. The dresser came out great. Love the frames too!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi Karie, I love your wall of frames and the floral print is beautiful! Thank you for joining my party and have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Hi Karie! boy, I sure can relate to it being so busy these days! I love your white frames. they looks so pretty with the pictures you chose. And your wall of frames looks lovely. Thank you for joining TTF and have a fantastic weekend!

  6. Karie,
    I love what you did with the frame. It turned out beautiful. Thanks for linking it up to Home Sweet Home!

  7. Everything looks wonderful! Yes, you must try the chalk paint. You'll love it. My daughter JUST called and said the old white is great looking. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

  8. such wonderful pink things! xo

  9. White frames are very pretty as well as you can wash very easily and best to keep photographs in it. It gives totally new look.

  10. Perfectly pretty and feminine! I do love the details on your frames, they are so sweet.


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