Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Three Legged Tea-Cup

I have been collecting tea-cups for the past while. .
One of my favorite blogging friends
Said she also collected tea-cups, but
She just collected three- legged ones.
Oh, I have never seen a three legged tea-cup. . .
So that started me on the quest to
Find three legged tea-cups. . .
She said they were very hard to find. . .and they are!
Not only hard to find but they cost more than I like to spend.
But, , , , look at what I found!

 Not only one. . . but two. . .three-legged tea-cups and saucers!
 I was so thrilled to find this one. . .
 I can see why my blogging friend collects them.
They are unusual and very delicate looking.
I am thrilled I have two, but I am on the look for number three.
What fun it is to search for dainty tea-cups.
I must say I have quite the collection right now.

I will be linking this to . . .

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Rose Is A Rose

To me there is not a more beautiful flower than
A Rose!
I can not think of a single flower I do not like. .
I love them all. . . But
There is nothing like
 A Rose

The Rose is a Flower of 
Strength. . . Courage. . . Love
She is Compassionate, Pure, and Innocent
Silent yet Joyful
Humble, yet Nobel
Graceful and Desirable.
She is all this and more. .
A Rose Is A Rose!

I will be linking to. . .

New Little Chick Friend

I managed to hit a few yard sales
This past weekend.
I just had to show you this cute little
Chick. . .Oh, so cute!
 Can you see her?
She is probably about a 1950 chick.
 My friend had a yard sale with lots of vintage things.
I fell in love with this chick. . .
I should sell her in my etsy shop, BUT
 I don't want to part with her!
She is so cute in my fruit vignette on my table. .
I get attached to "things". . .and I am getting to many "things"
I now have an etsy shop with my friend Sue.
I hope to sell some the the cute vintage things I find.
And I will also have some of my handmade things.
Sue is very creative and she too will be selling.
I will tell you more later.
I will be linking this to. . .
The House In The Roses/Show-Off Your Cottage
The Thrifty Groove/Junkin Friday

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Am Really NOT A Slacker

Honest, I am not a slacker!
I have been so busy the last couple of weeks
I have neglected my blog and a lot of other things.
I have been busy with Projects and most importantly
I promise I will be back with a lot of "stuff".
Summer is a busy time of year for me. .
I have Grandchildren involved in a lot of activities
And of course Grandma is there to cheer them on. .
Here are just a few of the special times I have spent
With them is past week. . .

I have Cowgirls and Softball players.
And everything in between.
What a fun and busy summer it is!
Tomorrow I will show you some of the
Projects I have been working on.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tea Cup Cabinet

Hello everyone. . .
I feel I have been neglecting my blog lately
I have been so busy with many projects
Supporting my grandchildren in their activities.
Didn't someone say that
"Summertime livin is easy?"
I don't know where they live,
But Summertime livin is not easy where I am.
Oh, but I wouldn't have it anyother way. .
I wanted to show you my cute little cabinet
My Aunt gave it to me a few years ago
And I just love it.
I have a few of  my tea cups in it.

The two tea cups on the bottom shelf are
Three-legged tea cups. . .
I can't wait to show them to you. . .
That is going to be for another day and
Another Post.
I will soon be celebrating my
One Year Anniversary for my Blog
I am going to have a Give-away and
So be sure to come back and see what I have.
I hope you summertime is as busy as mine. .
None of that Easy stuff!

I am going to link to. . .

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fun To Be Busy

Well, hello everyone!
I have been a slacker on the blog
For the last few days. . .
Sorry about that
It just seems everything hits at once.
The weather turned nice, and there are
Lots of things to do here at my place.
How about you?
Well, when I am not at the softball fields watching
Two adorable little Granddaughter play ball
I am busy with several projects.
I showed you the pink dresser I finished for one
Of the Granddaughters..
In between painting the dresser,
I have been busy cleaning my Crap Craft Room
I don't know if I am ever going to get it
To where I want it to be. . .!
Now I am busy painting an old
 Chest of Drawers
(or as I lazily say chestersdrawers.)
Only this time it is for me!
I just finished painting some frames.
I love to find "old fashioned" frames
At the Thrift Store (DI) and
Paint them.
Do you remember this one?
Well, now it looks like this. . .

 I wanted a new frame for "Pinky"
And this DI find for $3 was perfect. .
She looks outstanding in her new frame.
 The beautiful detail of the frame.
 Amazing how paint changes something. .
 It is a perfect fit for this beautiful girl.
 I just received this print. . and it needed a decorative frame.
 I had one for it. .  just a new paint job and it is perfect
For this beautiful pink floral print.
Do you remember my wall. . . .?
Well all of the frames come from the Thrift Store.
Oh, I love looking for different frames. .
I only pay from one dollar to three dollars. .
Much cheaper than new frames. . . I have several
Tucked away in the storage closet. . .just waiting for the right
Photo or Print to go in it.
Well, I am off to paint. . . I am anxious to show you
The chest I am now doing.
It is as old as I am. . .and that is older than dirt.
My Great-Uncle made it.  Can't wait for you to see it.
Do come back. . . .K
I do believe I will be linking to
These fabulous parties. .
Be sure to check them out.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer Garden Tour

What A Beautiful Summer Day
I have waited a long time for the warm days of
Don't you just love June. . .?
It isn't too hot. . . .just right for a
Garden Tour
The Master Gardeners in the County I live in
Have an annual tour of 
Beautiful Gardens . . .
The Master Gardeners have toiled and worked for many
Long months and years to produce such loveliness.
Here are just a few. . .Hope you enjoy.
 Many of these gardens are quietly nestled in privacy. .
 Few people know of their beauty.
 The pathways are inviting to a secluded quiet spot of beauty.
 My inexperienced photo-taking can not possibly capture the true
Colors and vibrancy of the flowers and shrubs.
 Lush flowers lining and cascading along stone and wood pathways.
 Nature gladly singing the songs of the new day.
 Boulders that could have been discarded are used for
Landscaping beauty.
 Many water falls and ponds add to the serenity.
 The use of discarded materials. . .This gazebo. . .
An old satellite dish. . Amazing
 A well used bicycle. . . now takes a rest and adds
Charm to the yard.
 Tranquility of Water
 Pathways to delight
 Enormous Poppies and other flowers
 A blooming cactus in Northern Utah
 The beauty of a man-made lake
 This outside entrance way beckons the visitor to come on in!
 A pasture turned into a cool refreshing pond.
Oh the joy and rewards of gardening. .
The feel of the soil, the planting of trees and flowers
All to beautify and bring joy to those
Who love A Garden.
I hope you enjoyed the Garden Tour!
Please do come back. . . .K