Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood!

I am knee deep in projects.
And nothing completed. . . .Yet!
So I will showcase some beauties from

I am looking for ideas for my 
Garden Shed
I have a small yard.
I want to keep it rustic.
I really like this one.
Hmmm. . .Maybe this is the way I will go.
Do you have a garden shed. . 
How have you decorated it and landscaped around it?
Just thinkin' and wonderin'.
Hope your day is good in the neighborhood.


  1. We have a couple of sheds at the lake house, but I haven't done a thing around them. :( I love some of them I see in blogland, and hubby's aunt has one in her back yard that looks like a little cottage. It is so cute! Be sure to show what you do! Have a great week.

  2. I like all of them--inviting and sweet. The little bench with lined-up watering cans is adorable, and hanging flowers and flags is a such a good idea! Now you've got my brain thinking about my shed and I'm adding another thing to my diy list.


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