Monday, May 13, 2013

Time for Planting

Oh, boy the time has come.
My Great-Grandpa always said after
May 15th you can plant flowers and gardens
And the temperature won't freeze them.
Well, it is time.
Today here in Utah it has been in the 90's
I am ready to start planting.
My son is going to help me get my back yard landscaped.
I am so excited.
I love to plant, and dig in the dirt, and work. . 
Then I love to see the beauty of nature take hold.
I went to Pinterest to get some inspiration
I found the cutest ideas for my vacant chairs.
Here are just a few of the ideas.
I am going to do this one.  I have the chair, I have the basket
I even have the spray paint.
I have the exact same chair. . .just need to do the planting.
More inspiration, cute chair!
Cute, cute, cute.
I love old chairs. . 
I find them all the time at the thrift store.
Now they are going to decorate my back yard.
Well, I know what I will be doing tomorrow.
Picking out the plants I want for my chairs.
(I wish I could give credit for the inspiration and photos)
Don't you just love Pinterest?

See you back her later. . .
Hope to have my own chair pictures. . . 

1 comment:

  1. Karie, I LOVE all the chairs! I have an iron child's chair in my side yard with a plant on it. I'd love to have more!


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