Friday, May 17, 2013

Love My Hutch And More

Well, wouldn't you know it. . 
I had plans to plant flowers this week-end
But, that sweet ole Mother Nature changed things for me
It is cold and cloudy and sometimes rainy. . 
Not a good time to be outside planting and doing
Outside projects.
So. . . .I will just have to change my plans.
Not too much you can do about 
Mother Nature. 
(Ya gotta love her)
I realized I haven't shown you my cute hutch
Not for a long time. . . Maybe not since Christmas.
Oh, My!
If you recall, I told you how I bought this little beauty
On sheer emotion! 
Yip, I did!
I saw it at an antique store. . and the minute my eyes spotted her.
I know she had to be mine.  She was waiting for me
The shop owner let me make payments on her
And soon, I brought her home.
Her name is Aunt Carol
Why, you ask, because my sweet Aunt Carol who I adored
Had one just like this one. . .
It is solid maple wood, and not a scratch on her.
She is made by Ethan Allen. . .Early 1960-1970
Hmmmmm. . Do I love my Aunt Carol Hutch.
Of course the top is decorated. . .my little tea pots.
Lady Bug is on the left.
My cute friend Sue gave me this beautiful tiered plate
For my Birthday clear back in January.
Oh, I love it. . .for Spring it has some of my
Many (millions) crocheted flowers.
I don't think I have even shown you my cup-cakes.
I even have some salt and pepper shakers that are cup-cakes.
Ya, gotta love Cup-Cakes!
These are my latest "Thrifty Treasure Finds"
I had the cute little Pfaltzgraff tea pot I found at the thrift store. . 
Well, low and behold, this week I found this cute little
Sugar bowl to match. . How lucky am I?
I am always on the look for Pfaltzgraff dishes.

Well, there you go. . a show-off of my
Aunt Carol Hutch
And all the cute things she holds.
And my Thrifty Treasure Find for the week.
I hope you will come back again
I want to show you my front porch,
I did get it decorated before the clouds and rain came.
Hope you are Happy and Hopeful

A little quote I found today:
" Making a House a Home not only blesses you and your Family
But it also gives peace to those who enter."
I hope I give peace to those who enter my home. . 


  1. Hi Karie! Well, I do adore Aunt Carol, as she is related to my little breakfast room hutch. They look just alike except Aunt Carol is a little bit bigger. She looks so cute all dressed up in red!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Karie, I love you Aunt Carol Hutch and you have it decorated so prettily. I'm really loving those crocheted flowers on the tiered tray.

  3. Would love to have you share at my "Open House" blog party. Your hutch represents the era of "quality" furniture. I recognized the ladybug teapot right away as one I have sold at my shop!

  4. Would love to have you share at my "Open House" blog party. Your hutch represents the era of "quality" furniture. I recognized the ladybug teapot right away as one I have sold at my shop!

  5. I really love your 'Aunt Carol' and think she is dressed up so fine! Great thrifty finds this week also. Diann and I thank your for linking to TTF this week.


  6. Love your hutch, such a beautiful piece!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday!


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