Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Reason for The Celebration

It is a beautiful time of the year
Everyone is scurrying to find just the right 
gift for someone special.
Homes are decorated and filled with the
Smell of home backed treats.
Travelers are rushing to get to special places
To be with special people.
All is Merry and Bright!
We do all this for a Reason. . 
In celebration of a sacred event more than 2,000 year ago
The birth of Jesus Christ
The Savior of  The World.
I hope that the center of my
Celebration is Jesus Christ.
In my home it is not the tree, nor the Christmas vignettes.
I want to focus on 
It is the
The Nativity. 
 I believe the baby Jesus is the Christ
I believe He is the Son of God
I believe in His Birth and His Atonement. 
 I believe an angel appeared to the Shepherd's.
And I believe the Wise Men came to worship Him.

 I Believe In Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Reason for the Celebration
May we all turn to Him in holy reverence not only
At this time of year, but always. . .


  1. Karie,
    Such lovely sentiments! I agree. We should all believe and return to Christ for the healing of our nation. God bless you and may the joy of the Christ child's birth abide with you. Merry Christmas friend!

  2. A beautiful and sometimes terribly sad time of year...and your sentiments are lovely. Have a lovely, warm and very Merry Christmas!

  3. I love your sweet testimony. It has lifted me many times. Thank you for sharing it, dear friend.

  4. What a beautiful Nativity - I'm looking for a pretty white nativity set for next year!


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