Thursday, December 27, 2012

More Projects

I am already thinking of projects for the
New Year.
My friend Sue, and I went to the local
JoAnn's to look at 
Yarn (our favorite) and Fabric.
I was actually the fabric looker. .. 
Sue is a fabulous crocheter.
You can see Sue's beautiful work and her patterns
Now on to the yarn sale that was screaming our names.
Oh, the colors, the textures. . everything about yarn I love!
I love coming up with new things to crochet.
And I do have some new projects I am excited to start.
I love most colors, but this time I was drawn to the
Pastels, the blues, the pinks, the greens . . 
It is "eye candy" to me.
I think I touch every skein I see!
Look at the texture of this yarn!
I haven't come up with an idea for it, but I will. .. 
I also found some fabric I wanted. . 
I have a few great ideas for it.
Can't wait to get started so I can show you 
What I have done with the yarn and the fabric.
It is a cold, snowy day here in Northern Utah
I am going to put a good movie in and crochet.
Be sure to come back and see what I have done.


  1. I love yarn and fabric too! I hit the remnant tables for fabric. I mostly do small projects so they work most of the time. I do crochet very simple things. I'm not great at elaborate items. Can't wait to see what you make! Happy New Year!

  2. What lovely colours! You'll have fun working with those. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I love love love this! So many beautiful colours and I cant wait to see what you make of them! :)


  4. You are ever so sweet! I had such a wonderful time yarn shopping with you. We must go more often--I need a good laugh and a good cry! LOL! Aren't we the pair!? Hugs, my friend.

  5. Hi! I am new to your blog and just want you to know I LOVE it!! I crochet a lot and love seeing what you are daughter and her family are Mormons too and go to the same church here in Sioux City,Iowa...and they have a sister who lives in Provo Utah who is also Mormon...Carol

  6. my daughter and her husband are in my profile picture..I am 61 and her mother..Carol


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