Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

Well, we are just about done with
is soon here!
My little ghosts, goblins,witches and monsters
are all excited for the big day!
How about yours?
I can't reveal any costumes yet
(that will be after Halloween post)
But I can show you what last year was like. . .
Last year I had fairies, rock stars, pretty little witches, a lion, and Dracula. . . . 
 My little Fairy, Zada
 The Diva Rock Star, Sara
 This my adorable and lovable Lion
She is the cutest Lion I know!
 This is Jared, the only boy in the mix of little girls
I have two other grandsons, but they are much older
So my Jared hangs out with the girls cousins and his sister.
Oh, he is a cutie. . . .
Don't know for sure what he will be this year
Last I heard he wanted to be a "Dead Boy Scout"!
(It's a boy thing)
Sara, Zada, and Maya made me this cute little spider. . . . 
It will be a treasure, as all things the grand kids make are treasures to me. 
So, I wish you a safe, happy, fun
Hope you and your "characters" are all safe!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I love the costumes! And dead boy scout is always a good option, it's the unexpected:)

  2. Oh, they are so adorable, Halloween is really for kids. I used to make the costumes for my boys when they were really young. You must be so proud.
    Thank you so much for visiting with me and your kind comments. If you see something on my blog, just email me for details. I have a link to my website on the blog, but there's not too much listed on it now....too busy blogging;-)
    Happy Halloween

  3. The kids look so excited - and who wouldn't be with awesome costumes like that!


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