Monday, October 18, 2010

Halloween Candelabra

I did it, I did it!
I made a
Halloween Candelabra!
Almost like Martha's.
This is Karie's version of
The Halloween Candelabra
(I don't know why that candle looks crooked it isn't in real life)
I can't believe I found the parts to make this.
I found these two brass candle holder thingies
at the thrift store (DI)
But I didn't know if I could use them or not.
Called my son Mark to see if brass could be unsoldered.
Ok, can ya help me with this?
He did help me, but I was left with these two candle thingies and I didn't
know how to hook them to this. . . .
 I had Gorilla Glued a wooden candle holder
to two wooden bases.
I stayed up one night until 2 AM trying to figure out how
to get the two brass candle holder affixed to what would be the base.
(I think Gorilla Glue can accomplish anything. . . . . Wrong!)
Son-in-law, Russell, he can figure this one out for me.
Sure enough he did.
(no picture of him wiring the brass candle holder to the wooden base)
Spray Paint and we will soon have our candelabra.
I also had to spray paint the beads.

When you take Junk, literally Junk!
And create something as cute as this
Sweet Satisfaction!
Oh, yes, sweet!
Martha isn't the only one that can create!
And she doesn't get the thrill of using JUNK!
I have to say there were a couple of gals in Bloggerville
that did candelabras
I don't remember who they are
but they inspired me more than Martha.
I am linking this up with several Linky Parties this week. . .
be sure to check my side-bar for the great
gals that put on these parties.


  1. Wow this is great! too bad no pics of how you wired it together. It looks so good. I love it for Halloween :)

  2. This turned out great! I'm sorry it was so difficult to get started but worth the effort! Thanks for sharing. I'm here from NTT.

    Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage

  3. You could give "Martha" a run for the money anytime! You really did take "junk" and make it into something fantastic! That is a terrific Halloween candelabra!


  4. Wow, this creation wins you the junk queen award of the week. I would never have believed the junk if you hadn't shown all the befores. It is absolutely a piece of art now. I love it.

  5. The is fabulous! I love that. You are a very clever and creative lady. Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower. Linda

  6. This is so pretty and so clever. What a fabulous thing. Love it. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. Amazing! I love that! I'll have to try to make something like that.

  8. Very creative candelabra... love the drapping beads!

  9. How fun is that! Love it! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  10. I'm so envious of this candelabra!!!! This is amazing!!! I'm your newest follower and I'm hoping you'll swing by for my first ever link party today! This would be a fantastic project to link up!

  11. Still loving this... thanks for linking up to Sew Woodsy!

  12. This is so creative! (I love your little ghosts, too)
    Looks fantastic!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog -- hope you'll visit again

  13. Your candleabra turned out great! It was so worth all the effort it took to get there. I bet it was lots of fun too. This will be a wonderful Halloween decor keepsake! Great job!

  14. Hi Karie this is AMAZING! I love it and I'd love for you to consider linking up to A Crafty Soiree today... the linky party I co-host every Thursday at

    I'm your newest follower (- :

  15. Adorable! You are so creative!


  16. That just turned out sooo cute! Very clever. laurie

  17. That candlelabra is VERY impressive. I can't believe you created that out of bits and pieces. Way to go!


  18. Wow. You are super creative. That looks adorable.

  19. I love all of your decorations but this candlabra is just gorgeous!

  20. Love it! The thrill of using junk is like no other. You made a beautiful creation.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.