Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Friends The Ghosts

 I like GHOSTS!
I only like MY Ghosts!
The ghost in the photo above has been with me for 40 years.
I like him, well, maybe I love him. . . .

I made him, yep, I gave him life. . .
These little characters, crack me up!
They are so full of Ghostly personality. . . Aren't they the cutest?
They just add so much fun to my table decor.
I love them!
As far as Ghost love goes my Ghosts are my favorites.
They have been with me for a long, long time.
I am really attached to them.
At the end of October when I have to tell them good-bye
I kind of feel lonesome for a day or two without my
Ghost Friends,
But, then out comes my Turkey Buddies, and I feel good again.
( I know I am weird, I give life to inantimate things!)


  1. I have that exact same ghost which I made too!

  2. Things are always special when you make them, and there is always such a wonderful story behind them. I like all your ghosts, but especially the big one. Thanks for sharing your Halloween designs with us.

  3. You have a great ghost collection! Thanks for your visit and kind words. Linda

  4. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. When I came over to check out your blog I saw that you were from Tooele! My father was born in Tooele (does the "Lindberg" name sound familiar?) and I still have cousins there. I have such fond memories of visiting family there. Love your little ghosts! They are adorable. AND your creations on your sidebar are wonderful. Off to go check them out more fully!

  5. Your ghosts are wonderful. 40!
    I can see why you are so attached. I am looking forward to your turkey buddies.

  6. Those ghosts are wonderful! They are so cute and fun. I like that they aren't SCARY ghosts! Just cute and adorable! Love your blog and I saw you on Feature yourself Friday. I am a follower! Stop by when you get the chance:

  7. So CUTE! We have a ghost that dances and sings "I want Candy" (Thanks Grandma!). He is cute when he is not singing. I do love a friendly ghost!


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