Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fiddling With My Blog

Well, I have spent most of my day trying
to get my Blog to look somewhat outstanding.
Alas, I must say I don't think it is anywhere near
what I would like it to be. . .Sad to say
I will have to play some more.
I's just not getting what I want.
But while I have been fiddling with the blog
I have done some cute collages or mosaics whichever 
you prefer to call them. . 
 I really like this one.
Now, if I could just get it in my
Header I would be happy.  
I need to read the tutorials again on 
making your own Header and blog.
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
See you tomorrow.


  1. Karie...resize your collage to make it bigger and then go to your Design page and add it to your header. Easy peasy...I re-size my photos in PHOTOSACPE. ( and it's free.

  2. Your header looks GREAT...I'd not seen it before I left that first comment. I see you DO know how to make your blog looks great.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.