Thursday, July 18, 2019

Painting Projects ~ Finished

Hello my friends!
It is a beautiful summer day
and it is very HOT!
I hope you are staying safe and cool.

Boy, I tell you I have been busy.
It seems I have several projects that have been
waiting for my attention and now 
was the time to tackle them.

So with brush in hand and a can of paint
The work began.  As all things go, 
one thing lead to another.

First thing was this cute little table.

 I found this several years a go at DI,
I should have taken a picture if the before.
It was pathetic!
But I liked it.
Is She not cute?
I used Behr Chalk (Home Depot) paint on her.
Farmhouse White.
And for the top I used Behr Chalk Paint
Coffee Bean. And then on the top
I wanted it to look like wood grain.
So I used Black Walnut stain.
It was a delight to do.
The stain really gave it a wood grain look.
I sealed it with Polyurethane. 

This little darling is the stool that my little Teddy 
uses to get up onto my bed.  
I found it at a flea market.
It looked ok, just not my colors. 
Soooo....I painted the wood the same
chalk paint as the table,
I found this cute fabric at Joann's
30% off regular price.
It is perfect and Teddy likes it too.

Now here she is the Queen's Thrown Chair!

I must have been shaky and tired when I took this picture.

I really like how she turned out.
As you can see I distressed her, just a little.
And she got a new seat.
I used the same fabric as the little stool.

The chair was also found at DI.
She really is a treasure and a beauty.

Like I said one thing leads to another.
I spend yesterday and last night on another
project.  It is a big one!
But I think I will be able to show you tomorrow.

I love decorating my house.  I follow no rules,
I like what I like and that is what I surround myself with.
I gather ideas from here and there.
I don't have the budget like many bloggers have.
If I want change in my decor, I can't just
go out and buy it, nor do I have "sponsors"
or "connections".  I have to do it with the
Mother of all Creations. . . 
My own Creativity and a lot of Work!
And I like it that way.

Stayed tuned, I have another project soon to
be ready and shown,

Linking With


  1. Karie,
    As I mentioned before, I have the same type of table and I also painted it white when I painted all the furniture in my Sitting Room white. I love what you did with the top of it. The chair and stool look so charming!! Love the fabric!! I too painted a little table white ...I will be posting about how I used it and the story behind the table soon..And BRAVO to you my friend for decorating your home in what ever style that makes you feel warm and fuzzy when you walk into your sweet home. I too do not have a style of decorating that is popular now but I have always said that when I open the door and walk into our home, I feel like my house wraps it's arms around me!! Thanks too for visiting , my friend!!


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