Friday, February 15, 2013

The Beauty of Flowers in Winter

Oh The Beauty and Healing Power of
It is still winter and I have so longed for
The beauty of live real flowers. . 
Oh, I don't mean the florist or grocery store cut flowers,
I mean REAL flowers, blooming in REAL dirt!
Ah, I come home from work on
Valentine Day
And what to my wondering eyes should appear
My Amaryllis had bloomed!
I have been watching this sweet flower since January
It was just a few weeks ago it looked like this

Right before my eyes it grew.
Oh, it is BEAUTIFUL.
It makes me smile and it makes me happy.
I am so happy for flowers that grow in real dirt
And bloom in the dead of winter.
Snow may be on the ground,
It may be cold outside.
But within my home I have a beautiful
Gift. . .A Flower!

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  1. Your flower looks so pretty. Love the glass container with the pretty colored candy in it. Happy Pink Saturday.
    Bear Hugs,

  2. What a beautiful colour!!! Your flower is indeed a lovely sight!



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