Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Helpful Tips To Keep My Home Clean And Tidy

I don't know about you but 
Some weeks I am 
It just seems there is so much to do.
I work full time and I have a home to keep up
I have four children, and their spouses, and 9 grandchildren
And. . . .a calling in my Church. . . .and and, and
Well, the list goes on and on.
Needless to say, I sometimes feel 
Stressed, Overwhelmed, and Depressed!
(Oh My)
I thought at my age, life would slow down.
I was wrong. . .I feel like it has sped up. . 
How about you? Does anyone else feel this way?
Well, this month it has been my home that has 
Given me stress. . No time to do all the chores
It takes a lot of time to keep a home clean and tidy.
Now mind you I live alone, Ya, what is the problem with me
Well part of the problem is I have not had the Energy
Ambition, nor Desire to do all the necessary chores.
I would rather crochet, paint crafts or sew.  You name it!
I remember when things were calmer 
I remember when homemaking looked like this
I think I was tricked. . .

I wish my fridge looked like this

I don't even have time to bake a cake!

Well, to sum it up I came across some tips for
Keeping my home clean and tidy. . 
I thought I would pass it on to you.
Simple little things to do

Daily spend 10 minutes in each room 
De-clutter papers and mess.  Do a little dusting each day.
Spend an additional 5 minutes in the kitchen. . 
Add decorative baskets to each room to collect "stuff"
Then every few days empty the contents to their permanent
storage places.

Every week spend 30 minutes in each room
Vacuum all carpeted ares. Mop tile and hardwood floors.
Do a mini- deep cleaning.

Every month dust all things you normally don't do during your
daily and weekly dusting. . like picture frames
ceiling fans, baseboards, and blinds.
Vacuum the couch it's cushions and other furniture.
Scrub all windows. Pay attention to details.
Pull out appliances and clean behind them.

I have always felt it was such a honor and blessing
To be a HOMEMAKER. . 
And when I let things go in my home
I feel disorganized, frustrated and depressed.
Not a good way to feel.
So this week-end I spent the time doing the
Things to make my home feel good again.
And in the long run I feel much better.
Please do come back


  1. Finally! Someone I can really relate to! I feel the same way. I never catch up and to tell the truth, I get out the vacumm and begin and then wander off in a few minutes and three days later it is still sitting there.
    I do NOT live alone but I do not live with a messy husband. He never seems to mind if I don't get it all done..but I do. Lately there always seem to be a few dishes in the sink, (no dish washer and I don't really want one) The reason is that it is just a place to hide dirty dishes..I don't really like dishwashers. Thus I must MAKE myself fill the sink with hot water and wash them. Sooo easy and yet I struggle to make myself do it.
    lIke you I would rather be doing other things. I cannot walk by my piano without losing the better part of an hour playing with it. (LOVE that piano!) and of course there is blogging. However..it is also a time burner that keeps me from doing my chores.
    Yes, I can relate..and no, you are certainly NOT alone.

  2. Those tips are great indeed!!!! I have the same problems here! haha! :) I hope you get some breathing time soon. :)


  3. Things really become easier when they start to be part of your routine. Some do a monthly deep cleaning, but I say go with what suits your lifestyle. Spending a considerable 10 minutes in cleaning daily would work as long as you do the tasks properly. Anyhow, don’t let the stress get to you, Karie. All these come along with homemaking, after all. ;] -->Guy


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.