Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pictures Taking With New Camera

As I told you previously
I have a new
Canon Camera
(Remember I am NOT a photographer)
So on this October day
Looked at my world with the intent
Of taking Pictures. . .
Here is what I found with my
Un-photographic eye.

 The is beautiful.
Can you see the little Bee in the second picture?
These are un-edited.
My camera come with software for editing.
The pictures are easy. . 
It is the editing I need to work on.
So be sure to come back
And hopefully I will be able to show you
Some enhanced photo editing.
See you tomorrow.
Hugs. . . .K



  1. So much nice post you sharing with us pictures so good looking professional

  2. These pics are lovely, the bee is so cute! :D Youre having fun!


  3. the second pic looks so crisp! is there a way to make them bigger? i think that's where you see the real changes from a better camera.


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